i can erase these pages but the stains of ink will never go away

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there's a part of you that still lives on
in my memory, at least.
it does not go any farther than that
for no one else remembers
the person you used to be.

you would let a faint smile show and you held pride in your eyes when i dodged your hit
i saw light in your eyes and over time,
i guess it reflected in mine

if i could write our story once more and spell it out
articulate every word so effortlessly and perfectly,
i would.
oh, i would.
maybe in writing he could live on

maybe from the carvings in the old wood of an abandoned forest
he could live

maybe if i wrote these words like a story
wrote them like a love poem
my heart on my tongue
maybe you saw the light in my eyes too.

you wanted to nurture it.
you wanted to watch it grow and blossom into a towering redwood
you saw yourself in me
maybe, just maybe

if we'd had
just a bit more time
then maybe
just maybe
we could've been something

i remember the boy i used to know
even if he doesn't recognize his own reflection anymore

i could tell you in my dreams
where we were given the luxury of a happy ending
and spent the rest of our days by each other's side
always platonic, nothing more
our love would be purely platonic
but by gods
we could've been extraordinary

-why am i mourning someone who's been dead for five years

this is my heartजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें