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they remind me of a place far away
somewhere where dreams are real
and happiness is truly something we had a chance at

somewhere lost in time
someplace time forgot
somewhere forgotten by the universe
tucked away in the folds of that black abyss above us
somewhere in the corners of those dead and dying stars

it's still there, waiting.
it will always be there
waiting for someone
to once again
call it home

maybe in another life, we could've been happy.
maybe in another life, we could've had an infinity together.
maybe in another life

maybe in another life
but as the fairy tales tell you
is not a long time.
it is what you make it
what you make of it

how do i tell you

how do i tell you
i did not deserve this pain.
not once
not ever

-maybe in another life, we could've spent our days in the golden sun of yesterday, chasing butterflies and running through the dead grass as fast as our little legs could carry us.
maybe in another life
we could have been happy

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