you see, we experience the world in different ways.

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some see the world as days.
they see the sun
the early mornings
the clouds
the smell of coffee
birds chirping
morning dew
the crinkling of a newspaper.

some see the world as nights.
they see the moon
the late nights
the stars
the smell of coffee
owls hooting
silent rainfall
the swish of bedsheets.

but recently, i was taught by someone that the world is not just black and white. there is a grey area.

and some see the world as both.
they see the moon and it's sibling
the late nights leading into early mornings
the sun being its own star
the smell of coffee
birds chirping and the symphony of crickets
the sun peering through the clouds during a thunderstorm
the sound of footsteps.

but you see, that grey area.. that is not all. there are many shades between black and white.

and then, there are those that see the world as neither. you know, those extraordinary people. the ones that seem like they know something you do not.
they see the sky and all that its shoulders carry
they forget time and all its rules
they see the wind in the air, running its fingertips through your hair
the smell of coffee
birds cawing and frogs croaking
the rainbow lovechild of a storm and the sun
the sound of leaves crunching.

and you may ask yourself, who are these people?
where are they?
what do they do?
how do i get to know them?
what do they look like?

my darling, they are all around us.
they walk this universe unknowing of... what was it again?
they are all around us.
you just have to look.
the ones that have that curious look on their face.
the ones that walk with grace.. or maybe the exact opposite.
the ones that seem just like anyone else
but as you get closer to them
they'll feel as if they have the universe inside them.
they think they are the most important species.

you see, i included the smell of coffee among all these beings.
why? because,

coffee is the burning on your tongue
the warmth against your hands
the thing that keeps you staring at that screen
or the thing that keeps you staring at those pages.
the thing that is with you every morning and every night
and maybe every afternoon
even though and even if you do not or never will or never have realized it
it has watched you grow
watched you file reports
turn in paperwork
but it has also watched you dance naked in that apartment of yours
too high up for anyone below on the streets and roads to see
it has seen you give the lover eyes to your partner
it's the steam slowly rising into the air
curling around atoms
swirling into infinity and beyond into existence and non.
oh, it is so much more
i just cannot explain
i am a poet
i cannot put it into words

but this, this...
the one thing that keeps us awake throughout the night
one thing that allows us to dance with the universe
to hold the stars in our eyes and the palms of our hands
until it is time to let them go again.
they may dance their lovely melody and rhythm
they have watched time go by
they have watched the universe come into the existence
the planets be inhabited
the galaxy and space be explored
and by... who was it again?
who were they again?

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