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but you do realize that, right?
they're aging.
they're going to die soon.
no one stays younger forever, and certainly not the people closest to you.

you're life will flash by you
and one day you'll wake up and see their name
up on that tv
headlining the bottom.

one day you'll wake up
and all the stars will be dead.
they faded away right before your eyes
yet, you didn't notice.

and you'll wish you got their signatures
on a worthless piece of paper
you'll wish you had the chance to meet them
and one day you'll wake up in your bed
and they'll wake up in a coffin

because you're young.
because you maybe don't understand death just yet
because it makes you enraged
when someone tells you that.

because you know
you sure as hell know
what it feels like
to have the rug pulled out from under you
to be hit in the stomach with a bowling ball
all air knocked out of your lungs,
you're suffocating and the pain is unbearable.

but maybe
maybe you convinced yourself
you deserve it

you deserve it for letting them slip through your fingers
you deserve it for not cherishing the moments they were alive
you deserve it for not realizing
mortality of the ones you care about.

though, i assure you
the people around you
will remind you daily
of the meaning
of mortality

you'll wish you got an autograph
you'll wish you appreciated them more
you'll wish you could see them on screen
and as the glass breaks in two
your heart will shatter
as a cgi carrie fisher comes onto screen

and you'll notice
how still
and silent
the theater became

so one day you'll wake up
and for some reason the room will seem brighter
the birds are chirping sweeter
and the wind is whistling in tune

but it is a mockery
because the universe is a cruel thing
and it loves
to play

though one question remains:
are you the puppeteer
or the marionette?

though one question remains
why did i write this?

it hits me
that one day all these people will be dead
i will outlive them.

that's what hurts me.
i will outlive them

this is my heartTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang