Chapter Five

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"How's my hair?" Lexy asked, trying to get her butterfly clips to sit right, "Oh God, I look like a mess."

"No, girl, you look brilliant and you know it, don't be do dramatic," Aubrey replied as she desperately tried to detangle her stubborn hair with an ineffective hairbrush. Finally, Lexy turned around, breathing deeply.

"Can you tell I haven't washed it in two days?" Before Aubrey could answer, Lexy answered for herself, "Oh God, you totally can. Well, this day is ruined, I'm staying here forever, Roger will vomit when he sees me."

Aubrey sighed, stashing the pills in her pocket before walking over to her friend and heaving her up. She needed Lexy to keep Angela distracted whilst she and Kenny trial ran the aging pills so for that, Lexy had to be present, not moping in their dorm room. Plus, she knew that if Lexy missed seeing the Durmstrang and Beauxbatons, she'd never stop regretting it so her not coming sucked for everyone.

"Hon, you honestly look so cute," Aubrey had managed to make her voice as sincere as possible and Lexy looked vaguely convinced, "Roger will die when he sees you of happiness."

"Die of happiness?" Lexy scoffed as she stood up, "Now who's dramatic. I guess you're right and I do want to see the students arrive. How do you reckon they'll do it? Beauxbatons is meant to be well... so prissy, I bet they've all been carried here by step-men or whatever they're called."

"I bet they flew here on a massive swan," The two girls giggled at the thought of it. In a firm gesture, Aubrey linked her arm around her friend's, "Come on, let's go meet the others. Wouldn't want to miss this now, would we."

Angela and Kenny were already in the Quad, mingling around on a bench when the two girls arrived and joined them. The four of them eagerly ran down to the lake, joining the already swarming mass of students who were waiting there eagerly. Judging by the fact everyone's eyes were wide and expectant, the delegates hadn't arrived yet so Kenny and Aubrey exchanged a look. This was probably the best time to do it as Angela would be tugging on Kenny's sleeve and squealing with excitement once the other schools arrive.

Surruptiously, Aubrey split the orange pill in half and slipped one into Kenny's open pocket, nudging him slightly to let him know the deed was done. The exchange was over in less than thirty seconds and the two exchanged a smug grin.

"THERE!" Lexy screamed suddenly, pointing over at something on the horizon, "Oh my god, look!"

"What is it? Is it Roger?" Angela whipped around just as Kenny subtly the pill into his mouth, dry swallowing it whole. She would have done likewise but Angela was staring straight at her: it would be ridiculously obvious.

"No, LOOK!" Aubrey looked in the direction that Lexy had pointed and spotted a large horse drawn carriage flying over the treetops. Other people had clearly noticed as well due to the sudden rise in volume and increased screams. The distraction couldn't have been more perfect and Aubrey slipped the pill into her mouth before overzealously joining in with the cheers. Whilst Angela and Lexy jumped around with excitement, Aubrey slipped over to Kenny.

"Feel any different?" She whispered and he shook his head.

"Not yet, we only took half so maybe it won't have that much of an effect," He replied, glancing nervously at Angela who was still distracted by the horse drawn carriage which was hurtling ever closer. Lexy covered her ears quickly, ducking down slightly as there was loud crash. The carriage had landed and almost run over the first few rows in the process.

"Do you think it will feel different?" Aubrey asked, craning her neck as she tried to spot the carriage over the sea of bobbing heads. Lexy and Angela had moved forward a mere meter yet they'd almost entirely been eaten up by the swarm to the point where she almost lost them. Luckily Kenny was a few inches taller and could keep track of them.

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