Chapter Thirty Seven

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Thanks to Aubrey's hard work cultivating a good relationship with Snape over the years, Fred was able to utilise this by distracting the Potions master whilst George slipped in and took the veritaserum from his cupboard. As Fred spoke, he even saw a hint of a smile on the professor's face as he sincerely apologised for his snappy, sarcasm, insisting it would never happen again. He was starting to see why people worked hard being good students, Percy for instance, could have literally cursed someone and nobody would have batted an eyelid or cared for that matter. Fred sensed that Percy hadn't been a good student for this exact reason but it was a cool side effect nonetheless.

Thanks to a few nights of watching the doors, they deduced that Ludo would disappear roughly between eight and nine then return often past Midnight, a slight stagger in his usually precise stride. Although Fred and George were more than used to breaking curfew, Aubrey was a little hesitant, not for the rule-breaking itself but the possibility of getting caught coming back in. 

Eventually, the three came to a compromise, they would go out to Hogsmeade a little early to stock up on some vague disguises and weak invisibility charms to prepare for it which made Aubrey somewhat reassured. Usually, they would plan a bit more but since everything had come so easily, they decided that they might as well go for it, especially considering they still had several other suspects to go through if this one turned out to be a failure. 

• • •

Leaving for Hogsmeade turned out to be harder for Fred than expected, mainly because Aubrey's friends had a lot of questions.

"So you're with George?" Angela asked, lowering her glasses down her nose.

"Not with him, hon, but I will be with him for tonight."

"Kenny!" Angela hissed before the two said in time, "Oooooh!"

After saying it, Kenny looked a little flustered, "Sorry, Aubs, but they're fun to say."

"Will you be with Fred too?" Lexy asked, "What exactly are you three doing?"

"Just hanging out," Fred replied, "Now I kind of have to go, they won't be happy if I'm late."

"The twins? They couldn't care less," Angela laughed.

"Well, I do so I'll see you later, girl ... and Kenny," Fred replied, before turning on his heel and leaving."

It seemed that George and Aubrey had had an easier time leaving, judging from their bored expressions, they had been waiting a little while. The three of them set off towards Hogsmeade, walking in a clustered line and keeping their heads down, discussing the plan as they walked. Everything was fitting into place nicely, Zonkos had recently brought in some new stock for concealment a few weeks prior as if the universe was fitting perfectly into place just for them.  

"Aubs, how do you fancy wearing a fake moustache?" Fred laughed as they walked.

Aubrey shook her head, "Not unless it perfectly matches the red hair, I don't want to look like an idiot at the Hog's Head, I reckon it's a haven for the well dressed ... that was sarcasm. Anyway, hon, I don't know if fake moustaches are really the way to go, surely a cloak or something from Gladrags would be better."

"Nah," George replied, "Zonkos is the best."

"It is?" Aubrey shrugged, "I've never been so - "

The twins stopped dead, as Fred asked with horror, "You've never been? What were you doing before you met us?"

"Living in my own body and doing a fine job, hon," She replied dryly, "Besides, Zonkos is just a joke shop - "

"Just a joke shop?" Fred turned to her, "No, Zonkos is more than that, it's a place for you to wreak havoc on your enemies - "

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