Chapter Twenty Seven

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Since her and Fred's conversation, the ball had been constantly flitting around Aubrey's mind. Despite the fact her suggestion really was the obvious way to go, Fred remained indecisive and not wanting to rush in so Aubrey decided to channel her enthusiasm into another task: Lexy and Roger.

Her attempts to get Lexy and Roger to talk had subsided into nothing mainly because it was about as easy as forcing two brick walls to move closer with words alone. Lexy blushed and stuttered whenever Roger even looked at her whilst Roger hardly noticed the blonde girl who couldn't keep her eyes off of him. Still, it would be nice if she could at least get one good thing out of this body swap thing so decided to give the 'brick walls' thing another go.

Titling back on her chair with ease, Aubrey tapped Roger on the back with her wand causing the stoic young man to whirl around, "What?"

She shrugged, "Nothing ... just wondering if you had a date for the Yule Ball."

Secretly, she rather enjoyed being Fred, it was a great chance to improve her confidence and be carefree with no real consequences.

Roger shrugged, holding his nose up in the air, "I might do, why do you want to know?"

Aubrey slowly adjusted the angle of her chair so that their faces were in line, "Hmm, 'I might do' means no."

At this, Roger looked a little annoyed, "Fine, I haven't exactly asked her yet..."


Roger looked away, "None of your business."

"Don't want to spread it around in case she says no?"

Although he didn't want to admit it, Aubrey could tell she'd managed to hit the nail on the head, "Roger, you're a handsome man ... bro to bro, I mean, as the Americans would say," She added quickly, hoping that was something guys actually said to one other, "But if she says no, there are other girls."

Roger shrugged again, returning to his work, "I'd rather go with her but thank you, I guess. Anyway, what about you?"

She wasn't quite sure how to answer that and eventually decided on, "Um ... it's complicated."

"Oh dear, double booking situation?" Roger asked and she shook her head.

"I mean I asked hi - her, not as a date or anything, just for ... strategic purposes but she's hesitant to do it, even though it's really the only option."

In response, Roger simply gave a nonchalant shrug of his shoulders, "Girls are complicated, maybe she's just playing hard to get, they do that sometimes. Pretend their not interested when they are - "

"Maybe you're just misinterpreting because that doesn't really happen all that often," She cut in, "And it's not like that at all, trust me, I know girls very well."

Again, Roger did his favourite gesture, "Hard to know them truly."

A very small opportunity arose: perhaps if she could convince Roger that Lexy was more interested than his potential date, her friend would have a shot, "But I mean, they can be obvious sometimes. This girl you're planning on asking, how does she act around you?"

Roger was clearly a little tentative about taking advice from her but eventually conceded, lured in by the confident claim of 'knowing girls', "Well, she's quite opinionated and likes to talk at me - "

She suddenly recognised that trait in herself and quickly asked, "Do boys like that?"

Roger gave her an odd look, "Fred, you're a boy, so you tell me..."

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