The beginning of a horrible life... - Cecilia

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Cecilia's P.O.V
I wake up to the usual jumping of my little sister on top of me. I'm yelling at her to get of me like usual. Funny enough. I hate mornings. I hate new people. Clearly I hate everything. A little sad but it's life. Believe it or not.

I'm not as easy as others. I've never had it easy. I have always taken care of my little sister for 11 years now. Skylar. Beautiful name for her. I have picked it myself.
Mostly because mom and dad died shortly after Skylar's birth. I have never been told why. It is obvious just how things are.

"Cecilia wake up now !!" I feel irritated by Skylar who almost screames into my ear. Just say it's not the best sound you can hear. She has a very sharp voice. I'm probably late for breakfast but fuck it. As long as Skylar gets something to eat, I'm happy.

"I'm coming now if you want to jump off me" She'll do it right away. Funny enough. I quickly get our ugly and I mean idiotic, dirt ugly, clumsy suits as they force us into. Skyles are not happy either. No one is happy for them. NO ONE!!

I'm going the usual trip with Skylar. I love this trip. To get rid of it all. Just to feel free at all. Best Feeling EVER! She is sweet in the snow. I laugh at Skylar. She loves snow. I just do not. However, I show when she is here or to her that I am happy. Even though I am not. It's actually rob cold when you only have a summer jacket on. It's always the little ones who get it a bit better than us big. Or I'm the oldest. The rest is only 12 and down after. Therefore I have not been adopted yet. I will never ever leave Skylar. EVER.

We do not even get into the door before we are "attacked" by the other little girls. This robs sick, orchard's orphanage is only for girls. Because they think boys are too hard to handle. HA, they do not know my true me. I mean it could be fun but who is listening to a 16 year old girl who hates everything and everyone ?? Just saying.

Okay, let me put you in this.

My name is Cecilia and I'm 16 years old. I have a little sister called Skylar. She is 11 years old. She's the only one I really care about. We have no last name or I can not remember we've got one.
We have lived in a orphanage for just over 4 years. Not the best orphanage one could wish to live in.

Our mother was alcoholic and our dad was never at home. I think he cheated on mom. But I have never really cared about it. I have a horrible past that you do not know. Skylar has not had it like that. I have promised myself that she will get a better past than me.

No. They can not mean that. Are they completely shot in the head. Wait, they are. I mean have they sold their little idiotic rotten brains?
If they think me and Skylar is going to another sick place with torture and rape, they might die in hell and come back again so I can kill them myself. Are we being adopted again. This is probably the 10th time. I'll make sure to stop this ...

Hey guys❤️

So that was the first chapter in my book, what do you think?
What do you think of Cecilia's behaviour and language.
Who do you think that will adopt them this time?

Find out in the next chapter ...
Byyyyyyyyeeeeeeeee 😜

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