It's all my fault

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Cecilia's point of view
While I was talking to George, a man came from and grabbed me so I lost my mobile. I called for George to hurry and he shouted at me.

"LET ME GO!!! BRAD !!! CONNOR !!! JAMES !!! TRISTAN !!!" I yelled until I almost had no more voice. Where are they?

He took a rope and tied my hands together. Who is he? "Your little friends can not help you now?" Said him with the most cringe voice I've ever heard. Who the hell is he? What does he want for me? And most importantly, how has he found me?

"Who are you?" I said and looked up at him while he held me so I could not escape.

"Awww, can not you remember me? As far as I remember we were not finished last time we were together." No no no. It can not be him. I thought he was dead or in jail. If you do not know he's the one who came every four days to "see" everyone near Skylar because she was too young. I really hope you know what I mean.

"What do you say we begin from where we left?" What is he thinking, oh that's right he doesn't have any brain?

"Never in my life." He looked at me, gave me a lussing and pulled me out of the big hall. He took me to a van, opened the door and just had to throw me in, when there was literally a miracle.

"HEY LEAVE MY DAUGHTER ALONE" I turned around to see Blake, George and Reece. I was so happy. When he saw them, he made a rift down my back in front of the boys and threw me down to the ground.

He walked over to them and hit Blake right in the face, so he fell down. "Blake Blakeee" I shouted while the tears just ran down my cheeks when Brad, Tristan, James and Connor arrived. When they saw Blake, Brad and Connor went over to him while Tristan ran over to fight the man and James ran over to me.

It really hurts to see the boys I loved most get hurt in that way. Tristan was hit a few times in the face, but did not let go out. Tristan is a very strong man, so I knew he would manage it and he did. After he had arranged him he ran over to James with James. I looked up at both of them "J-James ... T-Tris ... J-I'm really sorry" I said and went out like a light everything got dark and I could not hear anything whatsoever.

Tristan's point of view
When we arrived, it was a pure disaster. There was a man who was really big. I think that he was bigger than me. We looked around for Cecilia and saw that George and Reece sat on the ground and tried to wake Blake, which I think was knocked out of him the man because he had blood in almost the face. Brad and Con ran over and helped Reece and George with Blake while James ran over to Cecilia who lay on the ground behind the man and I got so angry when I saw Cecilia so I ran to him the man and took the fight against him . It was a rather fierce battle. I hit him a couple of times and he hit me a couple of times. Neg was several times giving up, but left ... for Cecilia's fault until I got him knocked out.

I ran over to James who was sitting with Cecilia. "J-James... T-Tris... I-I'm really sorry." Said she and looked up at us one last time before her eyes closed.

No no no, this just don't happen. She can not die. She means so much to me. She is like a little sister to me.
It's all my fault. All this is my fault. If I had not pushed her aside or shouted at her the way I did, this would never have happened. The tears ran down my cheeks. James had it the same way and the worst thing about this is that I never told her how much I love her and now it's too late.

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