Runaway - Cecilia

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Cecilia's Point of view
I have to tell him the great news.

Me: Hey dear, I'm coming to Birmingham. When can we be seen?

My darling❤️: How lovely. Have you finally been adopted or what?

Me: Yes, we have been adopted by 3 spiritless boys, but can I live by you?

My darling ❤️: Of course, but there are only one of us boys still living in Birmingham. Os 3 others live in London now.

Me: Then I'm just coming to London. They will not find me away. They will be too focused on Skylar.

My darling ❤️: Okay. When are you coming?

Me: In 2 days I think.

My darling ❤️: Okay. Love you 😘

Me: Ilm 😘

Now that it is in place, I may also start planning my escape. "Cecilia? Do you want to do something with us." I just looked up. I just got a fucking brilliant idea. If I have to escape, I have to know the city first.

"Yes, I'll get around. I'm right in the middle of something so blunt with you." I let my "beautiful" ass out of the couch and went to the kitchen where Skylar sat on the table and the 3 idiots stood next to it.

"Hey Blake, if that's your name, I thought about something. If I'm going to live in this fucking shabby city. Is not it fairest if I have to get to the center so I can learn to know this place? " He looked strange at me.

"Yes, of course. When do you want to go?" Said Blake.

"Now what Fuck do you think otherwise, I also have other important things to do, but first, I just have to talk to Skylar alone." I had to prepare her for the need to go somewhere where there is actually someone who loves me. It is clear that they love Skylar more than me, but that's always the way.

The boys went so that I and Skylar could be alone.

"Listen, Sky, I'll have to travel away, but you can not tell the boys about it all right." She just looked at me.

"Where are you going?" Said them sad.

"I have not told you or anyone else about this, but I have a boyfriend who lives in London 3 hours away from here and I go out to him. These boys do not love me like they love you and it's time to you get the childhood you deserve. " She just nodded and hugged me hard. The boys came in and me and Blake went out into town. That's what I'd like from Blake without notice. It must be said that without being hard, I want only my little sister the best, so I have to leave her for a while. She is good at the boys and that is the most important thing.

We came down in the city and I diverted Blake "Hey! What's the fuck for a building?" It looks so rubbish. " He looked away and began to explain everything possible about it. I ran as fast as I could and hoped he should not see me. I was hoping for a metro and could finally relax.

For the first time in my fucking life, I think I'm afraid that this will not succeed. What do I know. Never tried it before, so do not know how it feels. I do not know why, but I suddenly broke out, maybe it was the pressure they would find me. I found my mobile and saw the worst I could expect 30 missed calls and messages from Blake and the other boys. There were among other things.

Blake - Where the hell are you?
George - Cecilia Richardson COME BACK RIGHT NOW!!!!
Reece - We are totally nervous. Just pls say you're okay.

I turned off my mobile so they could not contact me. Suddenly there was one who laid his hand on my shoulder. I turned to shock until I saw who it was. "What are you doing here? You do not know where I've missed you."

Don Don Doooooonnnnn ........ Who believes in it is she has been waiting for a long time?

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