The Phone Call

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Bradley's POV

I can't believe she's gone. I can't loose her not again. I can't let her end up at that orphanage again. "La amo troppo per lasciarla andare" (I love her too much to let her go) They looked weird at me, did I say something wrong or what?

"It's my fault it all. I should have kept an better eye on her." George said.

"I kissed a guy that night" Blake said. Wtf that surprised me a lot.

"No guys it's none of your faults. It's mine. I shouldn't have give her permission go there in first place" I looked at James, he still had some tears in his eyes.

"I kissed Drew/Reece" Drew and Reece said in choir. Wtf they kissed each other and they first realise that now.

Sky was still over with Levi. Until she walked with over to James with tears running down her face. My first thought is that she is going to hug him, but no. She walked over to him, pushed him down on the floor and yelled "YOU KILLED MY SISTER!!! COME HAI POTUTO. COSA SULLA TERRA HA FATTO A TE LO STAI DOPO IL SLEPT CON REECE QUELLA NOTTE?" (How could you. What on earth has she done to you? Is it after she slept with Reece that night?)  WOW Sky was really angry now and what the hell did she just say. There was silence a moment, until she yelled again "RISPONDI MI JAMES!!!" I still don't know what the hell she is talking about, there went another moment until I realised she talked Italian and Levi said "Sky!! Si calma" What!!! Levi actually understand her.

Let's just say that Sky is really pissed of right now. Normally she listen when Levi speaks to her but not this time. "LEVI FUCKING MATTHEW JONES!!! DON'T EVER TELL ME TO CALM DOWN!!!" Okay now I'm starting to get a little scared of her. Like she is even more worse than Celia.

Reece's POV

After Sky was finish with flipping out on James and Levi I talked to her for a second, cuz she's my daughter and can't let her be like that.
I pulled her into my arms and he hugged me hard and started to cry until I think she got an idea. At least she stopped crying over Celia like nothing was happened.

Sky's POV

After sometime I decided to distract my thoughts with playing a little with the boys or to be more specific with Brad. Fortunately I know where his phone is. I slowly walked into his room and took from night table, it was charging. I plugged the charger out and decided to continue with Tris. Okay so I need a password to get into his phone and the person who knows his password is Tris and Celia, Celia isn't to much help right now, so I guess I have to go with Tris. I need to find something that he really loves and cares way to much about to let go of it. Ofc his drum sticks, as a little drummer and from Nate I know how much he loves them.

After some time I finally found him together with Connor "Tris I need Brad's password to his phone. Either you give it to me or you can say goodbye to your precious little drum sticks. I passed him Brad's phone and he clicked the code in and gave it back to me and he got his drum sticks back. WOW he has got a lot interesting things on his phone. Let's play a little with it let's start with his contacts let's see. Who the hell is Natalie his girlfriend or what? Well she's not anymore. Time to have some fun. Muahahahaaa.

Sky       Natalie

Hey Brad what's up?

Excuse me this is not Brad. It's his girlfriend. Who are you?

What? Brad is my little brother and out from what I know he doesn't have any girlfriend. So I'm asking who are you? and why do you have his phone?

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