The Show

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James's synsvinkel

There is less than an hour left of the show and neither of us have seen Austin yet. Blake and Reece came to me and said they heard a girl sing and that it came from The Tide's room, but that the door was closed so they could see who it was. They had the feeling that they could be Sky because Celia would not put her legs into The Tide's room because of Austin.

I found Sky. She stood talking to Levi and Drew. "Sky? Joe would like to talk to you." She went with me and I explained her things. "Okay, listen here. Austin has not yet come back and the boys need a singer so Joe has thought you'll have to replace Austin tonight and we hope he's back before the next show tomorrow."

She looked scared at me as if she had some kind of anxiety like tCon he has.

"James. I can not. I can sing as well as Austin and what do not all their fans say when they see Austin being replaced with me?" I can see the point in what she says, but she seriously need to relax.

"Sky. Take it easy. First, we go to Joe and then he'll just hear you sing to see if you fit in with the boys and we'll take it from there." She agreed with me. We found Joe and put up the things she needed.

Before she began she had a wish. "I want Brad to be here!" Joe did not seem to be completely satisfied with it, but went out to find Brad.

It took some time. 15 minutes to exactly. Brad and Joe finally came in from the door and Brad went over to Sky in the sound box and Joe went with me into the other room.

Sky looked at Brad and he started singing. Shortly after, Sky also began. The song It's a lie. Celia says her voice reminds of Brad's a little while she has not heard her sing so much before.

Their voices sounded so good together and I can tell you that Joe seemed to agree with me.

When they were done, Joe and I joined them. Joe started saying, "Great. Great, wonderful. You have a very special voice Sky." At least, you can say that you inherited your singing voice from Brad. You two sound so good together."

Skylar's synsvinkel

I was so honored that Joe liked my voice. I can look at Brad and he smiled big like James, but still does not think I can stand on a scene in front of more than 100,000 people.

Joe looked at me and folded his arms crossed. "Sky. What do you say to be signed at Mecury Records together with The Vamps and become a singer with Brad." WOW I can not believe it. Imagine they want me to be part of The Vamps and even as a singer together with my brother.

I did not really say so much. I jumped up in Brad's arms and they took it as a yes.

We went out and it seemed that I would not replace Austin anyway. Thank God.

We could no longer go on stage when people had already started coming. We went backstage instead and saw that Nate came to Austin. I never been happier to see that boy?

I ran over to him and jumped up in his arms. "Austiiiiinnnn. Where have you been?" He looked at me.

"I was going out of the arena and was attacked by fans. I could not get through the door again because it was locked and my cellphone was inside. So I've been out for a good 3 hours until Nate found me. "He started laughing, which made me laugh.

The boys got ready and the first ones were The Tide, after the New Hope Club and finally The Vamps.

Just skipping the Show - Some days later

"Thank you, you must have everyone. We are The Vamps and we love you." Said Brad before they came down the stage.

They are always so energetic after a show. This was their last show in the UK before we go to Argentina.

Reece's POV

We have just arrived in Argentina.

It was a very long trip by bus. 7 days to be exact. We drove to Scotland and sailed from there and to Canada where we had a small mini show in Toronto before we drove on.Vi kørte igennem USA langskysten ned ved New York, som er en smuk. Ned i gennem Mexico og den vej og nu er vi her endelig.

We will perform in their capital Buenos Aires in an arena called Luna Park. It is the same place as the Pop Up Music Festival is being held in. It's less like the O2 Arena in London, this is just a bit smaller.

Me, Blake and George went in and let's say it was actually smaller than I had expected. In the O2 Arena there is room for 20,000 people and there is only room for around 9,000, but it will be cool when we have never been to Argentina before.

I am looking forward to meeting Tini and Ruggero even though they are The Vamps they are going to perform. I think I have once seen a picture of Tini. She is actually hot, but she probably has a boyfriend in advance.

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