The letters - Levi

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Levi's POV
I woke up with a huge headache in my head. I just lay and tried to see if I could remember anything from last night, but I couldn't. What the hell happened last night? After some minutes Sky come into my room. "Explain this to me?" She said angry to me and showing a random picture, that suddenly looked like me and Celia kissing. I got up fast. "What is this? Where do you have this from?" She looked at me with watery eyes. I don't know what to do. I did not do that. Did I?? If I did I can't remember it. UGH!! I will never drink again.

"Look Sky I don't have anything to do with this" What the hell is she talking about and where does she has this from? Like I don't even remember me kissing Celia.

"HOW COULD YOU. I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME MORE THAN THIS!!!" She yelled at me with tears running down her face. She can't break up me if that's what she is about right now. I can't lose her. I love her to much. I would be a total mess. I just can't take it. If this was Celia that did this I swear I will kill her. I took one step forward. Trying to hug her but she just stormed out of the room when Tristan came in. I ran my hand thought my hair. How could it end like this. I did nothing wrong. I looked at Tristan. He just gave me the 'what the hell is wrong with you two?' look. UGH.

I walked out and decided to talk to Celia about this mess. Maybe she can give me some answers. I found Brad talking or yelling with James. I walked in. "Brad? Where is Celia? We have some deep shit to talk about" I just said. He looked at me like I was an alien or something. "In my room. How much deep shit?" I did not answer that. I just walked into his room. There was no Celia. But only a note and a letter to Blake and Bradley.

Hey to whoever sees this....

If you can't find me I'm not with any of the guys. I ran away. I just can't take it anymore. I tried to stay out of my bad habits but failed. Don't try to find me. It just make it worse......

I took the letter and note and called Blake.

Blake: Hey dude.

Me: Hey I need you to come here quickly

Blake: What's wrong??

Me: Only that Celia is missing and she wrote a letter to you and James.

Blake: On my way. 10 minutes

I walk into James room. Only to see that James and Brad is still yelling at each other. "SHUT THE FUCK UP NOW!!! THIS IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOU TWO LOOKING LIKE A OLD MARRIED COUPLE ARGUING ABOUT STUPID THINGS!!!" The stopped and looked weird at me. At least they stopped. Just then then someone knocking at the door. I got it and it was Blake, Reece and George. They followed me to James room. They still looked a shocked at me cuz I yelled at them. I never do that so I understand.

I gave Blake the letter and he read it out loud. Sky just come in when he started.

Hey Blake and Bradley

If you find this letter that mean I'm not going to stay with you guys anymore. I'm not okay at all. I tried to be happy when I got adopted. But I couldn't. The bad things that keep hunting me is back. I don't know if I can stop them this time. I just think it will get worse if I'm with you guys.

Blakey, Daddy. You are the most amazing dad I ever could wish for. The best out of all of them that adopted me. I'm proud to say that you are my dad. I could not imagine another one and sorry because I run away when we first got adopted by you guys. It's because after what I have been through I just didn't know what to expect, so I needed to go someone that I knew actually cared about me which was Connor and the boys. It was never the meaning it should end this way I'm so sorry for everything.

The most lovely brother ever. I'm so happy that I found out that you where my brother. You can't imagine how happy I am about that I actually have a family member beside Sky who actually cares for me. You were there there when I needed it, you were the first to hear about my past, you kept me alive, you were there for me when nobody else was. I'm happy we got some good memories before all this. Please promise me you will take good care of Sky for me, she deserves a good future whether it's with or without me. And please try too make sure the boys don't "kill" each other especially Tris and Con. and again I'm so so sorry for everything that has happened and for all the trouble I have caused you guys.

My lovely little sister who I love so much. If you are reading or listening to this I'm so so sorry. I wish I didn't got drunk that night. If I ever kissed Levi I'm so  sorry. It was not the meaning to get between you two. You are totally meant to be. I was drunk and did not think at all that night, so didn't Levi either. I wish I could have been a better big sister, but I failed. You deserves a sister who can be there for you when I couldn't be. That's why I'm so happy about that you have Brad. He is the best brother you ever will have please take good care of him for me. I'm not going to get you or the guys in anymore trouble for now on.

I'm so so Sorry. I was so drunk. I didn't remember anything from last night. Only that I was having so much alkohol. Don't be mad at me. I didn't want to loose you on this way. I don't even remember me saying that while I was asleep. I only know that when I'm drunk I mess with the things in my life. Sorry. Try to find another one that you can be with you and live even more what I did even though I love you more than everything and also someone that doesn't have the problems that I have. Please I'm begging you to do that for me. I only want you to be happy.

Try to forget me. I will just get it over. I will find them and get it over. Please don't do this harder for me than it already is I have to leave. I have to stop them from hurting me. If I'm going to die please don't be sad. I love you all very much.

- Celia

Sky was hugging me and crying her eyes out. James, Brad, and Blake was crying too. She ran away. This was not the mening. Sky can not lose her.

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