Little did he know

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Cecilia's point of view
"Brad? What do you mean? I do not understand?" I looked at him with tears in my eyes.
I can not believe Bradley is my brother, my real brother. Why has he kept it hidden for so long?

"Skylar is our half-sister, but after she was born. Got me and Natalie knowing that we should cut all contact with you because both of you were dead, but where have you been the last years before you came to us?" I looked at her, the tears flowed down from her cheeks. I dried them away with my thumbs. And looked at her.

"Shortly after you walked, they found me and Skylar, but they did not care about us. On the contrary, they threw us out on the street in a yard where I lived and took off Skylar. Until Connor came walking one day on my way home and saw me sitting there with Skylar. At first I was afraid when I saw him because we or I had been treated badly for most of my life. He told me he would not do anything and went to me and took Skylar into his arms and me up on his back. Until we went into some people who thought Connor was not old enough to take care of us because he looked so young at the time. So we were put in in a orphanage only for girls. It's not just because paradise was to live there. " He looked at me while the towers also started to run down his cheeks.

He looked at me, "What do you think it was not paradise?" There were some who finally did not care about you? " He still looked at me with tears in his eyes.

"Not exactly Paradise. I was the oldest of all who lived there and Skylar was the youngest. It's 4 years ago so I was only 12 years old when we arrived and Skylar was only 7 years old. Because I was the oldest and a bit of a problem child after what I had already been through.
Each time we were adopted, it usually only took 2 weeks, since no one could figure out how to handle me. It was easy with Skylar all loved her and thought it would be easy until they met me. "He did not have a word and say.

"How many times have you been adopted?" He asked and looked his head in his hands.

"About 10 times. All 9 with tote and violence against me." He still looked very lame on me without words to say.

"When Skylar got older at 8-9 years, she began to be a fan of New Hope Club when she heard some of their music coming from one of the other rooms at the orphanage. After that day, she did not talk about anything about how much she only wanted to meet them.The only problem was that I did not know how to meet that dream. All I wanted was to have a better childhood than me.
Until the best day my life I actually believe. When we were told that 3 young boys of 18, 18 and 19 had come to adopt us and their names were Blake, George and Reece. I can tell you when Skylar saw them. She flipped completely. Seriously you should have seen her face. completely up. " I said and started laughing a little.

Brad's point of view
It was so terrible what she had been through. I really feel sorry for her, but then she started telling about Skylar and laughed afterwards. I was so happy.

"That's the smile I've missed to see from you," I said, taking her hand.

"I love you Brad. I do not want to be away from you again." She looked at me and hugged me hard.

"Do not worry. No one comes between us and we also have the boys on our side. We must be together forever." We still hugged. She interrupted it and asked if 24 hours had passed. Which one was. She took her stuff and went. "I need to get out alone and think about it all." Said she and went.

The boys came in and Tris asked, "Where is she going?" He looked worried.

"Relax boys she just had to have some air and needed to be alone and think about things," I said, looking relaxed at them.

Cecilia's point of view
I left the hospital for the first time in 4 weeks. I can not believe Bradley is my big brother. Wonder why I've never heard of him? It was not long before I got around the corner and heard a familiar voice. "Then you finally came from there. It was a long time."

You got to be kidding me it can not be him. How can I always meet him when I'm alone?

"What will you?" I said annoyed.

"I want my last time done and so you never see me again." He looked at me. I can not believe him.

"You're lying. You'll never let me be. You will not be able to do that." I looked at him this time he did not get me down.

"Oh Celia Celia. You just know me so well. Come here !!!" Said he and grabbed me. I screamed and kicked him without luck when two boys came walking. I tried to get their attention and it worked. Fortunately.

Austin's point of view
Me and Drew crossed the other side of the road when we saw a girl on the shoulder of a man about At age with Joe our manager. When she saw us she shouted at us while she kicked him. We ran over to her as fast as we could. Drew fought with the man and got the girl down from him and she landed in my arms. "RUN AUSTIN !!!" Drew said to me.

I ran away with the girl in my arms as fast as I could. Shortly after, Drew came. I put her down and asked, "Are you okay? What's your name?" I looked at her worried. The same did Drew.

She looked at us quite scared and a tear ran down from her cheek when she said, "I'm fine. Thank you for saving me. I do not know what would have happened if you had not arrived. By the way, I'm Cecilia Simpson Richardson. I am 16 years old. " She did not look at us nearly as scared more than before.

"My name is Austin Corini and this is one of my best friends Drew Dirksen. Who was him the man?" I said and looked at her.

"He is ..." was all she said before she broke out of tears. I took her to my chest. She hugged me hard and cried into my chest. I put my arms around her. "Shhhhhyyyyy. That's okay. You do not need to tell us." After some time she walked away from me. "Thank you Austin. You are really sweet. I wish we could be friends. I do not really have anybody but my family and their friends." I think she likes me. Which is good because I also really like her. "I would love to be friends with you. Give me your mobile phone and you can get my number and you can just write when you need me and then I'll be there."

I do not hope that it's all obvious that I like her, something fun I've noticed. She is actually like Brad from The Vamps.

I whispered to Drew who had also noticed it. And let's just say. He is not the most discreet when it comes to such things.

She looked at her cellphone. Enough to see what time it was. She quickly looked up "SHIT !!" The clock is many. I must come back or Brad just worries. Ses Drew. Ses Austin "she said and kissed my cheek, hugged Drew and walked.

Cecilia's point of view
I hurried to run back to Brad and them when I came James and Blake and talked out front. I walked slowly when I approached them.
I have apparently gone into my own thoughts when I did not hear what they said to me. I just can not help thinking of Austin. He saved my life.
"Hey Celia. How was the trip?" I heard no words of what they said until Blake waved a hand in front of my face and got my thoughts out.
"What's up?" I said and looked confused at them. They just started laughing.

Hey peps 😜
So what do you think about this? Sorry I it's a bit long and ends a little stupid. Just do not want to reveal too much about Cecilia and Austin.

So Cecilia finally got the whole truth about her family. Will she ever get Natalie and see?

Will James and Blake find out who she is thinking about?

Find out all in the next chapter ...

Love you 😘

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