Chapter 4

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Michael's P.O.V.

"Are you guys going around yourselves?" Ashton asks.

Calum and I nod our heads. "Sure," we say in unison.

"What about you?" I ask.

Ashton shakes his head. "I'm just gonna walk around. Text me when you wanna leave."

We nod and head off in the opposite direction Ashton was headed, our bodies closer than usual.

Honestly, I didn't mind though.

We've been best mates for years. But every time Calum and I would hang out, I couldn't help but get butterflies in my stomach.

Or every time our skin would brush, these tingles would shoot through me and sent waves of warmness all around.

My favorite is when his warm brown eyes would catch my frosted ones and the world just felt as if it was shut out and Calum and I were the only people in the world.

Then he would smile that adorable smile. Making me return it.

I knew these little things meant that I liked Calum. Hell, it prabably meant I loved him.

I just had no idea if he liked me back.

"So what do you wanna ride?" Calum asks me.


"I don't mind. Go ahead and pick." I reply.

His face seems to light up. "Ooh, can we go on the Teacups?"

I laugh at his eagerness to go on the ride. "Definitely."

Calum grabs my hand, making fireworks explode in my stomach, and we run to the teacups.

Once we get there, we hop in a frilly, pastel blue cup.

When Calum sits down, unknowing to my actions, I sit down beside him and put my hands flat on the circle in front of us that would spin us.

I look behind me to see anything interesting, when something warm covers my hand.

My head shoots around and I see Calum's tan hands resting on my pale ones.

Let just say it was hard for me to breathe at the moment.

Although all my nerves calmed as soon as Calum flashed me his smile.

Then we started spinning.

Both of us working hard, muscles tensing to spin the teacup.

We spun so fast we had to let go and even that didn't slow us down.

We spun and spun. Everything blurring in and out.

I laughed. I couldn't help it. I laughed and laughed as I gripped my sides. They felt as if they were going to break.

My eyes were squeezed tight, so I couldn't see Calum leaning closer and closer to me.

I was still calming down, but I was currently wiping away tears.

"You look so... different when you laugh, Mikey."

Chills shot down my spine as he said my nickname. Only he could say it so meaningfully to me.

"That's so mean to say." I joke. Gently slapping his shoulder.

He never took his eyes away from mine.

"Do you want me to shut up?" he whispers.

I didn't know how to interpret this, but of course my dirty mind went into overdrive and I huskily answered, "Yes."

It was too late for me to realize I had leaned in closer to him.

"Then make me."

He had leaned in close, too. And I could hear his breath quicken with every centimeter we got closer.

I, for one, knew I was never going to be able to breathe again after this.

I mean, this was Calum Hood  we were talking about here.

We continued spinning, and with every passing second it felt like the world was leaving more and more.

Instinctively, I close my eyes right after I saw his drop shut.

Finally, we stopped spinning.

My lips on his was the most glorious moment of my entire life. Time seemed to slow down, and it was me and him.

It lasted only 4 seconds, but it felt like a lifetime.

As we parted, we both took a shaky breath.

"Am I allowed to say that was the greatest kiss I've experienced?" I breathed out.

Calum chuckled. "Only if I'm allowed to say the same thing."

We smiled at each other for the longest time. We finally got off the ride and decided to look for Ashton.

Being his bestfriends, we knew his obsession with Ferris Wheels so we started there, all the while holding hands.

Noticing Ashton was nowhere insight, we thought to text him and go wait at the entrance.

He didn't reply to either texts. So we were going to take advantage of the time.

We each had an arm wrapped around each other. The other tugging at shirts or running fingers through hair.

We never kissed again though. We were saving that for later.

As we neared the front gate, we were passing by a small black sports car.

The windows were fogged up and I had a sense of direction for what was going on in there.

Calum nudged me in the ribs. "Wanna see what's going on?" He waggled his eyebrows.

I shook my head. "Erm, no. That's their business."

Calum gave a cute, little frown. "But what if someone's getting raped in there? We could be heroes. Ooh, SUPERHEROES! I'll be CalPal and you can be Mike-ro-wave!"

The way his eyes lit up and his goofy grin brightening up the world made it hard for me to say no. "Ugh, okay. But only for a second."

Cal cheered and gave me a small peck on the cheek that had my heart fluttering.

He pulled me over to the back of the car by the trunk and moved his head all around.

"I can't see a damn thing." he whispered.

All of a sudden, we heard a voice yell, "ASHTON!"

We shared a look.

Was that our Ashton?

There was only one way to find out.

Calum and I wiped the fog from the glass with the palms of our hands.

The moon's light shone all over the inside of the car.

We saw a sight we never wanted to see again.



some Malum for you horny butterflies:) I think thats what im gonna call you guys now. my Butterflies. or Beautyflies. I don't know,  I kinda like both. comment your fav I guess. also I might update later today. so don't getchya thongs in a twist. love you lots <3


p.s. thank you so much for the 26 reads. its not alot but I love it!:)

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