Chapter 25

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Before I put the chapter up( I hope you don't mind) i've started working this summer and my boss has her grandson working there too. At first I thought he was really annoying, but then I just really bonded with him and I think he's cute and he's hilarious...

Unfortunately yesterday, he had sat down on like this bin and it was really dirty on the bottom so I told him you have a dust ring on the back of your shorts and he was like "you looking at my butt".

And what makes it even better(note the sarcasm) my mum works with us, and she overheard him and they both started ganging up on me and my mum thinks that I like him...

what the hell should I do?!


Ashton's P.O.V.

I held my head in my hands.

It's been a whole night and the police haven't heard anything about Luke.

I was starting to go a little insane. Luke was my glue, my sanity, my anchor.

And since he was gone... I was slowly floating away into nothingness.

My phone vibrated in my pocket. With shaky hands I pull it out, not really caring who it is.

Until I saw the contact.

From: Lukey Pookey <3

Ash? Are you there, babe?

I think my heart dropped and shattered...

And then pieced themselves back together.

To: Lukey Pookey <3

Yeah! Luke, its me. Is this really you?! Are you okay?!

I was bouncing in my chair. Unable to control my emotions that were going all over the place.

From: Lukey Pookey <3

Of course it's me! Who else would it be. :)

To: Lukey Pookey <3

You could be Josh...

I mentally slapped myself. It probably was Josh. I should go tell the Sheriff right now...

From: Lukey Pookey <3

Calm down. I'm telling you. It really is me- Luke: Your boyfriend.

To: Lukey Pookey <3

Prove it...

I waited for a few minutes. Damnit, I knew it was too good to be true.

From: Lukey Pookey <3

All caps infinity bold times infinty. Love, Luke


Luke's P.O.V.

"Hey guys, do you think I still have my phone somewhere?" I was looking around the floor and couch where I was dropped yesterday.

All the boys and I were up and awake. We'd already eaten breakfast that the Louis guy came up and delivered.

I hadn't gotten a good look at him last night since I was cringing in pain and it was dark.

But this morning, I studied him carefully.

He had longish dark brown hair, a small scruffy beard, and he was as buff as the goddamn Hulk. But what really captured my attention, was his soft, bright blue eyes.

I noticed that he never looked at any of us when brought a basket up with our food. He just kind of came in, put the basket on the floor, walked out.

Not that any of us were complaining.

"Sorry mate, but I think Josh probably took it off you when you got here." Harry states.

I sigh. My last hope of getting to reach Ashton diminished right before my eyes.

"Oh, okay."

I got up from my hands and knees and slumped down on a couch.

"Where is 'here' anyway? Like where are we?" I decided to ask, breaking the silence.

"Ehh, somewhere in North America I think?" Niall answers.

"Oh, North America. That's nice." I say.

Wait a second...

"NORTH AMERICA!" I shout. Causing the others to jump in their seats.

"Nononononono. I-I-I can't be here. I'm s-supposed to be in Au-Australia. Not, North-fucking-America." I tug at my hair.

Zayn gets up quickly and walks over to me. "Calm down mate. We're right here for you."

I tried to tell him I didn't need to calm down. But suddenly I was having trouble breathing.

I gasped for air, not inhaling and exhaling like I knew I should be.

"Boys, he's having a panic-attack." Liam breaths.

I gasped like a freaking fish, I couldn't seem to get enough oxygen into my lungs.

"Wha-What should we do?" Harry asks, worriedly.

"He needs to hold his breath." Liam explains. "We need him to hold it long enough for his heart-rate to go down back to normal."

"So what the hell are we supposed to do? Cover his face with a plastic bag!" Niall screams.

Zayn leans towards me. "If I do something, I hope you know it's only to help you and means nothing right?!"

I nod, somewhat understanding.

Before I know what's happening, I feel a pair of soft lips on mine.

I freeze momentarily, trying to figure out what the hell is happening.

I feel my heart slow down, my pulse no longer drumming through my veins at a racing pace.

Zayn pulls back, looking at me through his dark eyelashes.

"Are you okay now?" he cautiously asks.

I take a few breaths before answering, "Yes. I'm fine, thank you Zayn."

He smiles.

The boys all seem shocked but also relieved that I can breathe again.

"Liam, how did you know that holding your breath would stop a panic attack?" Niall says in a questioning tone.

Liam shrugs. "When I used to go to school, I wanted to become a doctor."

"Thank you school!" I whisper.

Me and the guys start to chuckle.

Then realization hits me. "I had school today." I face-palm myself.

"Sorry, Luke. But if you have another panic-attack, I am not kissing you again." Zayn laughs.


dont hate me please?

No Zayn and Luke will not become a thing. Zayn was just helping a friend from possibly dying from not breathing properly.

if any of you are TEEN WOLF fans, I kinda hope you get the reference with this:)

lots of love <3


Quite The Ride (Lashton Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora