Chapter 21

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Ashton's P.O.V.

I try opening my eyes but they feel glued shut.

My head is swimming in cloudy thoughts as I regain conciousness.

I try to wipe my eyes with my hand, but I feel weird tubes attached to it.

My hand passes over my face and I feel a bandage tied around my head.

Being the dumb fuck I am, I press my fingers to my temple.

I wince, almost crying out at the pain that attacks my already-throbbing head.

Shaking my head slowly to get rid of the grogginess, I pry my eyelids open. Only to be blinded by bright, white... EVERYTHING!

The walls, bedsheets, floor, ceiling. Everything is pearly white.

A sudden scent of overpowering disinfectant hits my nostrils, and it takes everything I have not to gag.

My sight finally adjusts to the lighting and I put two-and-two together.

Oh, I'm in a hospital.

Wait a second...


I start looking around frantically, searching for that damn red button that magically summons annoying nurses.

I find it, repeatedly pressing it.

A nurse in purple scrubs rushes into the room.

"Oh! You're awake. That's good." she says in one breath.

"What in the hell am I doing here?!" I immediately ask her.

She walks over to the monitor beside the bed.

"Well, someone called an ambulance to the house we found you at. When we got there, you were passed out on the floor with a nasty bump to the head and the front door wide open." she fills me in.

Taken aback, I try to think of what happened to me.


The doorbell rings impatiently.

"We're coming! Damn cock-blocker," Luke shouts.

I throw on a pair of boxers, laughing wildly. "I'll answer the door. Be right back, Lukey."

I give him a quick kiss before jogging to get the door.

Scratching the back of my neck, I reach the door and turn the knob to open it.

"Sorry, but we're kinda busy-" I shut off my sentence.

Josh stands in front of the door.

"Hey, Ashton. How ya doin'?" He gives me a disgusting smirk.

"Josh... Just leave me alone. I don't want anything to do with you. Please, go." I croak out.

Josh laughs sarcastically. "I'm not here for you. At least, not yet. Nah, but you're little boyfriend was looking quite appealing today."

I shiver. "Don't fucking touch Luke. And what do you mean today? You didn't see each other."

"Awe, did Luke not tell you?" He cocks his head to the side, making a fake pout.

"Me and him ran into each other earlier. Let's just say he got my digits and that's that."

Anger fills my veins, boiling my blood.

I take a step towards Josh, getting in his face.

"You really think I would believe Luke being with a revolting motherfucker like you? Get the fuck out of here before your face meets my fist and I feed you your teeth."

I ball my fists at my side, preparing to go through with my threat.

Josh howls with evil laughter. Wiping away a fake tear, he says, "Ashton, you never were one to follow through with your plans."

Noticing a sliver glint, I watch as Josh's arms twitch behind his back, never even noticing they were there in the first place.

"But I am."

His smirk reminds me of a shark. A great white shark about to kill its prey.

"I'll say bye to Luke for you."

In a flash, Josh's arms are swung around to the front of him. I spot a metal baseball bat in the corner of my eye before it connects with the side of my head.

I stumble back, trying to grab onto anything.

I do and it's a side table in the hallway. My hands slip from its suface and instead pull down a vase with me.

It shatters around my head and all I hear is its ringing and the cackling of Josh standing above me.

~Flashback over~

"JOSH DEVINE!" I scream.

I think I just scared the shit out of the nurse from the look on her face, but I couldn't care less.

"W-what?" she stutters.

"Josh. Josh Devine! He came to my-well not my house. And he attacked me and..." I trail off.

"Is there a giant 6-foot-something blonde boy here at all?" I ask, giving myself false hope.

"No, sweetheart. Why?" she softly speaks.

I feel the tears prick at my eyes. "He-he took L-luke."

And the dam burst. The flood gates opened. Whatever the hell you want to say, I cried.

I cried and I cried and I cried.

The sobs coming from me shook my body violently.

I couldn't see her, but I felt the nurse's arms wrapp around me.

I was in a big use of a hug, so I grabbed at her shirt and pulled her closer. Soaking the front of her scrubs.

She didn't seem to mind. She gently rocked me back and forth, softly whispering in my ear, "Everything will be okay, hun. Whoever Luke is, I'm sure we'll find him. Along with that Josh Devine man."

I didn't believe a word she said.

Everything will not be okay. Josh was pretty good at hiding things, he hid our -relationship- for a pretty long time. And Luke was only 17. 17 for Christ's sake!

I have no doubt he'll be cowering in a corner... wherever he is. Most likely terrified out of his mind.

Luke's P.O.V.

I'm terrified out of my mind.


whats up Bitches?!

oops, I meant Butterflies;)

(please dont hate me, you know I love you!)


I totally forgot to tell you guys I went to New York City on Monday! I had a freaking blast.

I saw Broadway and Times Square...

you guys probably dont even give a shit. its okay though. you read and vote for my book...

thats enough for me.


im excited and sad at the same time about. but summers here, so ill let my worries blow away in the breeze...

I felt like Nicholas Sparks there for a sec, holy shit.

ohkay, ive bored you enough,

please, continue fangirling and cussing at what happened.

lots of love <3


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