Chapter 6

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sorry its late. I just found out today I have an english project due in like, 2 weeks so I was working on that. plus I have another project in science and I have to find my highschool assignment that I so unfortunately lost. but, I updated for you guys!! :)


Ashton's P.O.V.

It was about 10:45 when we reached my house.

The boys and I all headed inside.

I kept feeling this weird nagging at my head, but I couldn't quite place it.

Immediately, Michael and Calum hopped onto the sofa and spread out their limbs so there was no room for Luke and I.

I went over to sit on the loveseat next to it. Luke followed behind me, but instead of sitting next to me, he sat right on my legs.

"Really Luke? There was space right next to us, and you had to sit on me?"

The tug in the back of my brain was bugging me. And it was getting me frustrated not remembering.

"Yes, babe. Because you're so goddamn comfy." Luke grinned, leaning back and resting his head on my shoulder.

Luke touching me calmed my tenseness.

So I simply smiled and kissed his temple.

I heard a breathy 'aww' come from the couch. I turned my head to see Calum and Michael making kissy faces at us.

I blushed, tucking my head in the crook of Luke's neck. I heard Luke giggle, which resulted in me giggling.

That made Michael and Calum start to giggle.

Then all of us were legitimately rolling on the floor laughing.

Once we calmed ourselves, Michael suggested we watch a movie.

We all agreed and Calum ran into the kitchen grabbing drinks and snacks.

Meanwhile, Luke and Michael were setting up a makeshift bed on the floor with pillows and blankets and I searched for a movie.

"Can we watch the Avengers?" I ask the boys. Michael and Luke mumbled a teenage-girled 'yasss'  and I heard Calum shout from the kitchen a 'hell yeah!'

He soon walked in as I placed the DVD into the player. Arms full of chips and cans of soda.

"Wait! I wanna get into pajamas so I'm comfortable." I complain.

Michael and Calum shoot into the downstairs bathroom to change, together.

I head towards the stairs and I look for Luke. "You coming, babe?"

Luke tilts his head like puppy. God he looks so fucking adorable.

"Ash, I didn't bring any clothes."

Whoo. Shivers are sent down my spine as my nickname rolls flawlessy off his tongue. And I love every single one of them.

Wait. Did he just say he didn't have any clothes? That's what that nagging feeling was.

I smile. Proud I finally resolved my rememberance problem. "You could borrow mine if you want?"

Luke is suddenly racing up the stairs. Grabbing my hand on his way by.

He guesses which room is mine and shoves open the door.

Unfortunately, his long (and very sexy) legs carry him across the room faster than he thought because then he falls onto my bed with a grunt and I land on top of him.

My body lining up the back of his body perfectly.

I watch as he smirks and he flips over so his ass isn't on my area. Which I'm kinda sad about now.

He pulls a fake pout. "Aww, what's wrong Ashy baby?"

His hand slowly comes up and strokes my cheek. I shiver under his touch and at the sound of his voice.

I lean down over him. My legs entangled in his, resting my weight on my forearms, and my face lined up with his.

"I'm just wondering how long Mikey and Cal might take to change downstairs." I whisper. My fingers play around with Luke's quiff and he bites his lip.

"Well, if they're doing anything I'm thinking about doing with you right now, they're gonna be a while."

A grin slowly stretches across his face, his lip ring glistening in the light.

I brought my face closer to his, ignoring the throbbing that's begun in the back of my head once again.

I take his lip ring in between my teeth and tug lightly at it. He moans and that just turns me on.

I crash my lips on his, tangling my fingers in his hair.

He does the same to mine, teasing and tracing patterns on the nape of my neck. I arch my back and groan as we part.

I'm quickly relieved as I figure out what Luke was doing.

I sit up, resting on my knees, and Luke sits up, bringing his face close to my ear.

He whispers seductively in my ear, "Let's get undressed, shall we?" I kiss his neck. Giving him the answer he was looking for.

He takes no time in ripping off my tank and pulling his shirt over his head.

Our lips connect once more, but I can't get over the pain. What the hell?! I'm trying to enjoy myself!  I yell to my subconscious.

You won't be enjoying yourself for too long, it answers back.





sorry but im tired as hell. I was gonna make this chapter longer but im not in the mood to write much more agression for now. damn, these chapters always get so sexual. oh well. Its Lashton. What are ya gonna do? love you my... I still dont know what to call you guys. maybe ill make up my mind tomorrow. lots of love <3


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