Chapter 17

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Updation (if thats even a word)

will be Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. that was why there was no update yesterday.

ill be going to Ocean City Boardwalk tomorrow!!! :)) yayy

its for Student Council, Safety Patrol (which im in both) and National Junior Honor Society (that im not in) and its like a reward for how awesome we are for dedicating our time for these clubs or some shit. idek.

sorry for the bother. enjoy!:)


Luke's P.O.V.

I just made love with Ashton Irwin on a beach.

And I wouldn't have my first time any other way.

I had no idea what Ashton was thinking, but I knew for a fact my head was being overrun by thoughts of Ashton.

I never want to let him go. I don't want anybody to be able to feel his touch or kiss his lips. I want him.

He's the only reason I want to be here. He's the only one I love enough to stay around for.

I bury my face in his chest and inhale his scent. I could never get enough of him.


"Yes, babe?"

"I love you."

"I love you more."

I pretend to scoff. "I love you all caps infinity bold."

Ashton smirks. "I love you all caps infinity bold times infinity."

I laugh before pulling his face to mine and kiss him.

My fingers travel and twirl Ashton's curly hair around while his hands grip my back and pull me closer to him. If that's even possible.

When we seperate, a loud ring goes off. It sounds like a cellphone.

Ashton groans and reaches over me to retrieve the bag.

After searching in it for a bit, he pulls out a smartphone and slides the answer key.

"Hello? Yeah. We'll behave, I promise. MUM! Why do you think you're son is such a slut?! You got everything else? Thanks. Have fun. Love you too. Bye."

He hangs up and throws the phone back into the bag.

"What was up?" I ask him.

"Just my mum telling me her, Michael and Calum have picked up everything from the date and she's leaving for the bahamas today."

I sit up shocked. "You're mum is just gonna leave you here by yourself?!"

He laughs. "Uh, yes. I am nineteen, Luke."

"But what if something happens? What if something goes wrong and you get hurt?" I argue back.

Ashton reassuringly rubs my back. "Then I'll have Calum, Michael, and you for help."

His words calm my racing heart. I relax and continue to stand up.

"Wanna get going? I don't think the beach control want to find naked boys on the beach in the middle of the night." I say.

"My house or yours?" he laughs.

"I just want to stop by my house for clothes and stuff. Then we can go over to yours." I answer.

"Okay. Let's head out."

We redress and pack everything up to head towards the wooden steps that lead from the beach back to the parking lot.

I realize it's night as we walk. I shiver and take a step closer to Ashton.

He giggles and comfortingly wraps an arm around my shoulders.

We reach my car. Ashton starts putting our stuff in the trunk and I notice somebody standing on the sidewalk.

I notice it's a guy but I stare at him, trying to see who it is.

He gives me chills and what makes it worse, is that he starts to walk over to me and Ashton.

I step back. He's coming closer and closer.

"Ash. Ashton!" I whisper-yell.

Ashton stands up straight. "What is it, Luke?"

"Someone's coming over here." I inform him.

I point to where the guy is still headed our way and Ashton squints to find out who it is.

I hear him gasp.




UPDATION:) (yes thats my new word)

obviously its short and sucks, but I like the cliffhanger I put.

I feel like most of you can guess who this 'Josh' is.

I wanted to make this chap longer but, like I said before...

All good things must come to an end.

lots of love<3 Butterflies


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