Chapter 7

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Luke's P.O.V.


He whispers seductively in my ear, "Let's get undressed, shall we?" I kiss his neck. Giving him the answer he was looking for.

He takes no time in ripping off my tank and pulling his shirt over his head.

Our lips connect once more, but I can't get over the pain. What the hell?! I'm trying to enjoy myself!  I yell to my subconscious.

You won't be enjoying yourself for too long, it answers back.



~Recap over~


Who in the hell is that?!

I look to the doorway after Ashton rips his body away from mine.

He's standing up awkwardly as his jeans slowly fall down to his ankles. Showing a pair of batman boxers.

A shocked middle-aged woman watches us.

Two teenage boys, both shirtless, red-faced and swollen-lipped. One playing with his lip ring nervously and the other scared shitless with his pants pooled around his feet.

"Ashton, what is going on here?" she quietly questions.

"Listen, mum, I can explain-"

"First, get some clothes on, you whores. Both of you."

She doesn't look at me as she walks out of the room.

Ashton lets out a sigh of relief.

I give him a puzzled look. "Was that your mum?"

Ashton hesitantly nods his head. "Yeah. I forgot she was supposed to be home tonight."

Ashton has a look of disbelief cross over his features and he facepalms himself.

"Shit. That's what that nagging was." he says to no one.

He pulls up his pants and rebuttons them, finding his shirt strewn across the room, he slips that on, too.

He tosses my shirt back to me, and walks over to the door.

"What nagging? Ashton, what are you talking about?" I question. This boy was giving me a headache.

Ashton turns around and sees me still sitting on the edge of his bed with no shirt on and a pout.

He walks back over to me and straddles my thighs.

"I'm sorry. Ever since we got home I kept feeling like there was something I was forgetting. When you mentioned you forgot clothes, I thought that was it. But it kept coming back, and I ignored it. And now this is where we are."

He gestures to us sitting on the bed.

I slide my hands around his hips and rest them behind his back.

"Well, next time can you tell me you feel like you're forgetting something? I don't want your mum walking in on us making out again." I chuckle.

Ashton laughs too before giving me a quick peck on the lips and tugging on my hand to go downstairs.

I throw the shirt over my head again and head down the stairs.

We walk in and see a scared looking mum, and Mikey and Cal who look as flustered as I'm sure me and Ashton look.

We sit on the loveseat once again, but this time I settle with sitting next to Ashton.

Even though I had the incredible urge to pounce on him like a cat on a mouse, I contained myself.

Ashton's mum finally looks at me and gives a small smile. Then does the same with the rest of the boys.

"Now, boys. I know you're all horny, emotional teenagers..."

We all cringe when she says the word 'horny'.

"But I don't think making out with each other in opposite ends of the house is the correct way to calm those needs." Ashton's mum finishes.

Ashton sighs.

I notice that Calum and Michael are blushing furiously. Also purposely not looking at each other but keeping their hands close together.

I slip my fingers through Ashton's, letting out a breath I hadn't known I was holding when Ashton clasps his fingers around mine.

Ashton's mum sees it and gasps.

"Are you dating?" Me and Ashton whip our heads to look at each other. Having a silent conversation just with our eyes.

Ashton turns to his mum again. "Yeah. We're dating. Luke meet my mum. Mum, Luke."

I stand up and walk over to Ashton's mum. I hold out a hand and say, "Hello Mrs. Irwin."

She cautiously takes my hand. "Hello dear. And it's actually Ms."

Ashton proudly stands next to me, throwing an arm over my shoulders.

Ms. Irwin looks over at Calum and Mike expectantly. "Are you two dating also?"

Michael and Cal nod their heads. Finally allowing their hands to be held.

Ms. Irwin stands up and sighs.

"Okay. Then I'm going to bed. Don't be too loud. If you know what I mean."

She quickly smirks before kissing all of us on the cheek and running up the steps.

"So," I begin.

"I like your mum."


hello Butterflies:) yes ive decided on Butterflies. now this is kinda short. but im gonna work on an even longer chapter later today. maybe put a lottle Lashton and Malum fluff:) (yes I did mean 'lottle'. its like a little but a lot) love you lots <3


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