Chapter 22

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before I give you your chapter ( I know, *a/n*s suck but Im sorry.) I really need to write this.

im just in a sucky mood.

so yesterday, I graduated 8th grade. and it was awesome. a few tears here and there but nothing major.

there was even a dance afterwards. And that was a blast I had so much fun. (I got a picture with the schools hottest boy like, ohmy fuckery)

then today was the last day of school. and it was fine and dandy. we had a barbecue, took pictures with everyone. I even got one of my old best friends to sign my year book and I even got a pic and hugged her. (I got three more pics with the schools hottest boy)

then everyone was saying goodbye.

Niagara Falls came to visit everybody and it sucked ass.

sure I got hugs from people. (even two from hotty and another two from his hotty bestfriend) but the tears were real. everyone I hugged, I held onto for like, 15 minutes at a time as I cried.

Oh, and im friends with HotBoy( I will not give his real name)

and he wrote in my yearbook, starting it with my nickname, and then writing how this was one of the best years hes had because I was apart of it. and how I'm really funny and always walk into school with a smile and he wishes he could do that and hes really gonna miss me and...

give me a sec. the tears are real again.

but yeah, thats how my day went.

sorry for my sucky life updation.

heres the chapter updation:


Luke's P.O.V.

I'm terrified out of my mind.

I woke up and looked around. Realizing that wherever the hell I was, was pitch black.

I scrambled backwards on my hands and feet. Pushing myself into a corner.

I hugged my knees to my chest, my breathing coming out in haggard breaths.

I rocked myself back and forth on the balls of my feet, whipping my face this way and that, trying to focus on anything besides the suffocating darkness.

Suddenly, a sliver of light made it's way over to me.

I squinted at the sudden brightness but welcomed it nonetheless.

"Oh, awake now, are we?" I heard a voice call. "Then let's get you moved to the other room."

A figure approached me, standing directly in the line of light.

I couldn't see their face, and their face didn't sound familiar at all.

They pulled me by my arms and dragged me out of the room.

My legs felt like they wouldn't move so I didn't even try.

I was pulled out into a stone hallway, dim with pale white lights, making the place seem dreary.

It was only a couple of seconds when the figure stopped.

I heard the sound of keys and a door handle turn.

Before being able to see anything, I was being dragged again. Only this time...up steps.

I winced at every wooden step that hit my tailbone. I knew there was definitely going to be a bruise there.

Quite The Ride (Lashton Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora