Chapter 18

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Ashton's P.O.V.



My mind was reeling. This couldn't be...

"Josh Devine?" I question,  really hoping he wouldn't say-

"Yes," He pauses. "Ashton Irwin?"

I hesitantly nod my head.

A huge grin spreads across his face.

"Ashton! It's been forever. How are ya, man?!" Josh steps towards me.

I shrink back and try to make myself smaller.

He doesn't notice and grabs my face into his hands...

And kisses me on the lips.

I wince at the unwanted memory that pops into my mind.

To say I was shocked was an understatement.

But to be utterly baffled and flabbergasted should do the trick.

His face backs away from mine, still grinning ear-to-ear like he just won the lottery.

Though he takes my shoulders and pulls me into a hug.

I have no idea what to do. Until I hear someone clear their throat.

Josh immediately straightens up, but continues to hold onto my shoulders.

"So Ash... Uhm, who. Who is this?" Luke awkwardly stands there, even though I see flames of anger and hatred darken his eyes.

"L-luke. This is, uh, Josh. My-my... Friend."

Josh snickers at his given title and I watch as Luke glares daggers at him.

"Josh," I resume. "This is Luke. My boyfriend."

Luke brightens a bit at how I didn't stumble over my words while I introduced him.

Josh finally takes his hands off me and stretches one towards Luke. "Josh Devine, at your service."

Luke doesn't make a move to greet Josh back. And not-so-subtly walks over to me and wraps an arm around my waist.

"Luke Hemmings. At Ashton's service."

He looks sideways at me while giving me a cheeky grin.

"Oh, so you've finally found a permanent toy, huh?" Josh smirks. Does he really need to bring up the past?

Before I can stop myself, an image of me and Josh flys through my mind.


"Josh do you really think we should be doing this? I mean we're only 15 and best friends might I add."

Josh evilly laughs. "Ashton, because we're best friends should make it easier, don't you think?"

He takes a long stride closer to me. "Just get on your back and I'll do all the work."

I knew this was wrong. I didn't want to do this. At all.

"No Josh! I can't do this with you."

Josh's nostrils flair. "Well, you're doing it whether you want to or not!"

He takes a fistful of my shirt and shoves me back onto the bed. He climbs onto me and starts kissing all over.

He pulls off my clothes along with his.

The door slams open. "Guys...?"

~Flashback over~

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