Chapter 29

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sorry I missed yesterdays updatation:(

this chapter was wayy longer than the ones ive been writing lately.

besides, it was the 4th of July and I was partying:)

but please, enjoy.




Luke's P.O.V.

I jumped over him...

And ran.

I ran and ran. Turning this way and that, curving any corner, not even caring that I was probably getting myself lost.

Hoping I had gained a good distance from Louis, I slowed to a stop.

I leaned against a wall and slid down it.

Resting my head against the wall behind me, I hugged my knees to my chest.

And let the tears flow.

I thought of how close I was to be taken advantage of, how I'm never going to be the same Luke I was before, how I'm probably not going to see Ashton ever again...

And that just made me bawl harder.

I tried to keep my sobbing quiet but to no avail.

Suddenly, I heard a creaking noise.

I shut my mouth and stood up cautiously, creeping my way to the corner.

I craned my neck around and my jaw dropped.

"Oh my god."


Ashton's P.O.V.

I quickly scrambled my way from their grasp...

And charged towards the house.

I could hear Calum and Michael calling after me, I simply chose to ignore them.

When I reached an area to the side of the house, I ducked behind a tree.

I saw giant, gaping holes on certain places of the house, so I could hear scuffling feet and people's voices.

I dared to edge closer and hid behind a tree or bush every now and then.

I finally reached the house and slipped inside one of the holes, quickly scurrying behind a wall.

I heard footsteps come close to the wall I was currently at so I held my breath.

The footsteps stopped and I waited in anticipation. Suddenly a gruff voice called out, "I'm telling you I saw something run this way!"

Another voice yelled at the first, "Beau! We're in the woods, it was probably just a fucking animal."

A third voice said, "Jai, you're nineteen years old. Don't talk like that."

The first voice, Beau, laughed. "Luke. You're fucking nineteen."


Was that my Luke?

"Oh, look at me. I'm Luke Brooks-" nope, not my Luke, "-and I don't say bad words because I'm a good boy." Beau said in an extremely girly voice.

I heard the sound of skin slapping skin.

"Did you just fucking slap me?" Beau exclaimed.

"Yes I did just fucking slap you." Luke Brooks said sassfully. I could practically hear the smirk in his voice.

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