Chapter 14

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omf... no update yesterday:(

sorry Butterflies, I was over a friends house and the internet wasnt working with my phone.

but I hope you forgive me:) enjoy!

Michael's P.O.V.

"Yeah. Have fun, I love you darling." I pull Ashton in for a hug, giving him a big smooch on the cheek.

He just grins and smacks me away.

I laugh. Then, as I turn to go back to my car, I offer my arm to Anne Marie while wearing a cheeky grin.

Whoops. I mean Ms. Irwin.

She giggles and gratefully takes my arm. We head back to the cars and as we reach them, we see Calum and Luke pull in.

I wave to Cal. He sees me and gives a wild smile in my direction.

I blush and continue to drop Ms. Irwin off at her car.

After we bid our farewells, I sit in my red pick-up truck and I think about Calum.

We haven't really hung out lately and I wanna spend some time with him.

I send a text to Calum.

To: CalPal <3

hey Cally, do you wanna do something with me later?

From: CalPal <3

just double-checking, am I supposed to take that as flirting?

To: CalPal <3

Only if you want;)

From: CalPal <3

I'm in.

I make a goofy grin at my phone.

Calum's hangout is about to be Mike-ified.


I hear footsteps come up the front walk and I knew it was Calum.

I run to the door, eager to open it before he knocks.

I yank it open. And there he is. Standing there scared shitless that I answered before he knocked.

"You okay, mate?" I laugh.

"Y-yeah. I'm fine." he stutters.

"Then come on. I've got pizza downstairs in the basement and I wanna cuddle and pla videogames and watch movies with you." I shyly smile. "Okay?"



"That will always be an awesome movie."

Calum and I had just finished watching 'Mortal Kombat' and we were cuddled into each other on the couch we had in the basement.

We played the game earlier on and I was in the mood to watch it.

Calum chuckles. "Of course. I mean, Johnny Cage is bae."

I frown. "I thought I was bae?"

Calum gives me a light kiss. "You're my forever and always."

I kiss back. "For-always."


"Maybe for-always will be our always."

"Did you just quote 'The Fault In Our Stars'?"


Calum giggles.

"You're so adorable." I observe.

"You're even more adorable."

"Are we gonna be one of those couples?"


Now it's my turn to laugh.



oh yeah! this chapter sucked ass.

but I felt bad for not updating yesterday soo.

I wouldve made it longer but I was out all day and I seen The Fault In Our Stars!

so technically I pitied my very existence and walked around in a stupified daze.

sorry, my heads not in the game. like what the hell is up with the 'for-always' shit? dont even ask.

I really need to make a schedule for this book bc if I update everyday... this book will end way too early for me.

so, gotta go. Im watching Percy Jackson:Sea of Monsters and Logan Lerman=gorgeous:)

lots of love <3


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