Chapter 23

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BUTTERFLIES!  I got the 'She Looks So Perfect' EP!!! :))

I cant stop smiling.

so I bet youre pissed at me for not updating saturday and practically going M.I.A. for a few days.

I was partying and it got late. I twerked my ass off and lemme tell you....

ive never been prouder.

also I watched 22 JUMP STREET today and Channing Tatum is still so fucking gorgeous♥



Ashton's P.O.V.


I was pissed the fuck off.

I was in the police station, bickering back and forth with them about finding where Josh was.

They know where he is...

And he's in America.

Yeah, I'm standing in police barracks in Australia, while my kidnapped boyfriend is trapped with a sociopath across the planet.

Tell me you wouldn't want to fuck shit up.

"Mr. Irwin, you will have to calm down-" says an older-looking officer.

"Don't tell me to fucking calm down!" I cut him off.

"Is your life-partner across the Earth?! After being kidnapped?! By a FUCKING OBSESSED MANIAC!!!"

I knew I was causing a scene, and I didn't give a shit.

"You're right, sir. My life-partner isn't across the Earth. She's six feet under it." he sadly informs me.

The guilt settles on me, washing away all my anger like a tsunami.

I hang my head down in shame, "I'm so sorry."

The officer sighs. "It's not your fault son. But, if you calm down, we can find Luke faster."

I nod my head and oblige.

Walking to what I presume is an interrogation room, I know keep my head down.

Thoughts of Luke skip across my mind like a slideshow.

His smile at the Carnival.

His laughing as we watched a movie at my house.

His singing on our date.

Him sleeping in my arms.

They all collided together and I couldn't stop the tears that were freefalling down my face.

I guess we had reached the room, because when I stopped and looked up, we were in a gray, cement room.

A metal table and two metal chairs sat in the middle of the room.

The officer clamps an arm on down on my shoulder, saying "Go ahead and sit down."

I shuffle over to one of the chairs, dropping into it and slumping.

I wipe my eyes, trying to keep more tears from escaping.

"The chief will be in

soon," he states. Then walks quietly out of the room.

I take a shaky breath before pulling my legs up on the chair and wrapping my arms around them.

I rest my chin on my knees and think of a beautiful boy with ocean, blue eyes that I would always drown in.


short and sucks. I know.

better update Wednesday:)

gotta work in the morning

lots of love <3


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