Chapter 6

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"Sed lex dura lex"

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"Sed lex dura lex"

"Now we can finish our conversation." His eyes reflected a wish for answers. He didn't want just to know, but to kill everyone starting with me.

Automatically, I felt my hands trembling on my knees, waves of air coming through my nostrils but not ending in my lungs. I wanted to feel much less, whether is that smell of the air or the fact I was about to die.

"I already said everything I know," I hissed. My hands came to the table following wood patterns on it. The roughness of the wood was welcomed while I ignored his look. There was something in it.

"Yet again, I think you are lying." My look raised. Fingers on the table stopped and all of my attention turned to him. His white look faced with mine. As his hand moved on his lips, I answered to his statement. "I don't lie."

"Yes, you are." He echoed.

"No, I don't," I said, the pulse in my veins raising.

He didn't believe me. My mind didn't want to confess something I don't know. Everything was a white paper; not a single black dot on it. All I knew is to hide it.

"Let's reformulate. What did you do at the Main house, three days ago?" He said.

My eyes widen. I can't say who I came to see, not after I heard him.

"You can't help, you can't love and you can't be with them." He said that day to Damien.

"I walked," I said openly.

"Oh, yes?" He raised an eyebrow and looked at me. "Try again."

"I walked with my friend. It was a wonderful day, and we wanted to walk." I said not staring at him.

"No." He said sharply that I hit the table with my knees. My hands hid under the table.  I bit inside of my cheeks to stop my body from shaking. I just want to go home.

"Look at me." He said, but I shook my head. I won't let him se my tears.

"Look at me, and I will not repeat." I didn't want to. Once again I turned my head crossing hands on my chest.

Tears in my eyes threatened to spill every second while I stubbornly refused to look at him. I heard a few deep breaths.

"If you don't look at me that wound will be nothing comparing to what I will do to you." His voice came dangerously quiet. My head turned facing him standing next to table.

A tear slowly fell from my eyes following a curve of my face. When it came all the way to my mouth, I erased it with back of my sleeve.

"Good girl." He said. Light colour change in his eyes distracted me. Breath stopped in my throat my lips parting trying to inhale. There was green in them.

My mind came messily. All those memories me playing on the river, me chasing a bee, Amelia and I watching sundown while birds flew around, changed into a bad one.

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