08 {Yuri x M! Reader}

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Knife Collection

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"Yuri, what's up?" Y/N looked outside, with Yuri revealing her arm with small cuts that looked like she had just cut them.

"Y/N, you weren't supposed to see this. I'm sorry." Yuri looked down, and frowned.

"Yuri, you need to stop this self harm. One day, the blood loss will hurt you in the end." Y/N whipped out some bandages and started to bandage Yuri's arm.

"I'm so sorry, Y/N." Yuri started to cry, the burns of the bandage started to bring Yuri tears.

"Yuri, please tell me that you won't do this again!" Y/N said as he finished putting the bandages on.

"I won't," Yuri said in between sobs, and pulled out her pocket knife. She gave the knife to Y/N, and he put the knife away.

"Yuri, I love you." Y/N said, and hugged her.

"I love you too, Y/N."

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