54 {Monika x F! Reader}

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Chasing Feelings


The breeze felt good as it hit Y/N after her getting ready for the biggest dance of her highschool life.

The best part of it all, was that she was going with her crush: Monika.

"I hope she likes me in all of this makeup and in this pretty dress." Y/N said, as she was moments away from Monika.

As she approached Monika's steps, she felt a twinge of anxiety pressure her into turning the other direction.

Instead she pushed forward, and knocked on the door. The door opened revealing Monika in her beautiful prom dress. Her hair was curled perfectly, and the makeup was perfectly crafted as well.

"Monika, you look so stunning!" Y/N said, looking at her crush.

"You look stunning as well!" Monika said, looking at Y/N.

Y/N smiled, and held out her hand. Monika gently clasped her hand against Y/N's and they were now ready to head to the venue.

At the venue, Y/N and Monika took pictures together and they ate the catered food as well. There was a photo booth, and that's where they had some of the best fun ever!

"Alright everyone, bring all of the couples to the dancefloor." The DJ said, and the two went to the floor for a slowdance.

Unsure who was going to play the leading role, Monika decided that she was going to put her hands on Y/N's waist. Y/N then put her hands on Monika's shoulders.

The two looked into each other's eyes as the music played. They were captivated with each other, and enjoyed the dance.

After the dance was over, Monika dipped Y/N and kissed her. After the kiss, Y/N was surprised.

"Wow.. that was magical.." Y/N said, very confused..

"I love you, Y/N.." Monika said with a smiled, and pulled her into a hug.

Y/N responded by kissing Monika, and then hugging her tighter than before.


There's only two more left!

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