13 {Yuri x F! Reader}

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Now and then. Here and now.


"Let us be best friends forever~!"

A small Y/N said to a small Yuri.

"Yes, that would be delightful."

Y/N moved over to Yuri, her eyes filled with joyful tears.

They were happy, and they were also really good friends.

Y/N wanted to tell Yuri. She wanted to tell Yuri that she loved her.

"Yuri, there's something I need to say." Y/N managed to get out that sentence.

"What is it?"

"I'm a lesbian."

Yuri's mom opened the door so fast in that matter of time.

"You can't spend time with my daughter ever again!" She said, and took Yuri away.

Y/N eyes were now filled with tears.


"Y/N, it's your first day of school! Please get up and get ready!" Y/N's mom called, and you slowly put on your favorite shirt and pants.

"What's the point of even going? Yuri is just going to ignore me again this year." You sighed.

"You need to maintain your excellent grades, and I'm still sorry about Yuri." Y/N's mom said, handling breakfast.

As soon as you were done eating, you grabbed your bag, and started to head out the door.

"Have a good day!"


"Oh look, it's the lesbian."

"I wonder who she's going to go after this year."

"At least she's smart. She won't go for the dumb ones."

You ignored everyone who was saying mean things about you.

You didn't want to have a part in any club, but then you noticed a sign on the wall.

"Join the Literature Club today at 3:36."

You decided that you wanted to join because you knew one thing.

Yuri was going to be there.


You walked into the classroom, and saw a girl with pink hair, a girl with red hair, Yuri, and a girl with brown hair with a bow.

"Hello. I am Monika. I am the Literature Club's president." Monika smiled, gesturing to Sayori.

"I'm Sayori, the club's vice president."

"I'm Yuri, but you already know that Y/N."

"Wait, did you invite her, Yuri?"

"No, as far as I know, I'm still supposed to be ignoring her. My mom still won't let me talk to her."

You sighed, a tear escaped your eye.

"Can you come to the closet with me, Yuri? I won't tell your mom that I was with you, but I really want to talk to you."

Yuri tensed, but she went through with the plan.

"What is it that you needed to talk to me about, Y/N?"

"Well, I never got an answer whenever I told you that I was a lesbian. I was going to tell you back then that I loved you. I still love you."

"I was going to confess to you that night, before my mom overheard the conversation. She separated me from you."

You wrapped your arms around Yuri.

Yuri finally smiled at you.

"I promise that I won't tell mom that you are in the Literature Club with me. Also, I have a question for you."
Yuri started to blush a little bit.


"Will you go out with me, Y/N?"

"Yes, Yuri I will!"

You pulled Yuri in another embrace, and never wanted to leave it.

"Let our cherished relationship be one of the greatest things we keep secret~!"


I really hope you like it!

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