42 💮DDLC x Reader💮

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Summer Nights


This summer was going to be filled with blissful moments dealing with the Literature Club girls and you! All you had wished for is to go to the beach with these fantastic girls, and today you get that chance!

The beach would be a great place to keep each girl happy.

You had thought as you had gotten ready. You were smiling at the thought of being with Yuri, Monika, Sayori, and Natsuki for the day. You even loved that they would join you for the fireworks festival that night.

You quickly changed into (s/w) and pulled on a shirt over it (for a guy) or a pullover (for a girl). You smiled as you swiftly went outside to find the girls waiting for you.

"You finally got ready, Y/N." Monika shrugged, and looked at you. You had a temperance to be late for most of the events you had with them, so this was normal.

"Maybe you should try getting up early. That's what helps me." Natsuki sighed, and began to start walking.

"I'm so sorry." You said, while noticing something on Yuri's wrist. Are those small cuts?

You thought to yourself, but you didn't want to ask since you might have alone time with her anyways.

The girls forgave you for the hundredth time, and you started heading out towards the beach. The walk along the way was pretty silent, which was quite weird. Usually, the girls would be talking along the way.

"So how are you guys?" You said, looking at the girls as they walked towards the beach, since they weren't talking like usually they would.

"I am fine," Monika said, her eyes gazing towards the sandy beach as the group was approaching it.

"I am excited!" Sayori cheered. At this moment they were seconds from the sandy beach. 

As soon as they reached the beach, Monika stopped the group to give them a message.

"Here we are supposed to have fun, so that doesn't mean that we set up an umbrella and read books under it. Secondly, I brought a volleyball, and some food for lunch. Sayori brought some accessories for the beach, and Yuri was bringing drinks for this occasion. Natsuki brought some cookies for us all to share. Now, let's have a fun day!" Monika said, and you nodded.

Then the group dispersed, and now it was time for you to have some one-on-one action which each of the girls. That had gotten you pretty excited, considering that you loved each and every one of them ever since you stepped foot into the Literature Club.

The moment had struck for you to spend some alone time with Yuri. She had immediately decided to have fun being pushed back from the waves. You walked up to her, remembering what you saw on her arm from before. Unsure how to ask this, you slowly approached her, trying to figure out a way while walking to her.

"Hey Y/N, what's up?" Yuri asked you, and you smiled to try and hide what you were thinking about.

"Nothing much, Yuri. Having fun with the waves pushing you back towards the shoreline?" You asked, and Yuri gave a relieving expression.

"Actually this is quite enjoyable. The waves are really cool, and well they are amazing!" Yuri said, looking at you.

"Is this the right time to ask you about something?" You asked again, and Yuri proceeded to nod.

"Well," You began, and took ahold of her hand. You initially pointed at it, and Yuri blushed slightly.

"Is this a cut?" You asked, looking at her.

"Yes, I used to in act in self harm before you saved us from Monika the first time. Then she came back, but she was also different, which made the conclusion that I didn't have to cut myself for your pleasure anymore." Yuri said, the waves splashed her, causing her to fall a bit, but you caught her.

"Thank you," She said, and you two just stood there with arms wrapped around each other. That atmosphere felt very good for you both. Eventually she had let go of you, and it was time for you to go onto the next girl.

As you were walking along the beach, you noticed Sayori and Monika playing beach volleyball since there was going to be a tournament at the end of the day. As for Natsuki, she was holding a beach ball, but it looked like she didn't have a partner.

You walked towards her, and she had an angered look on her face.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, looking at you with the angered look still.

"I was wondering if you wanted to pass the beach ball with me in the water." You said, knowing Natsuki's tsudere nature.

"Does it look like I need some one with me at all times?!" She yelled, and you were startled.

"Well you seemed lonely." You said in retaliation, and she gave a shrugged smile.

"I really did need someone. . . You know. ." She said, calming down for just a moment. 

"Then I will be here!" You beamed, but that didn't last very long.

"This is only once!" Natsuki said, and went over towards the water.

You followed, and immediately got served the ball. It was hard, but you managed to hit the beach ball back to Natsuki in time.

As you guys were trading the ball around, sometimes you both would get hit in places due to the lack of actually paying attention to where the ball went. After you guys went for a little while longer, Monika wanted to play with Natuski.

"I had fun.." Natsuki said while you traded places with Monika.

As soon as you guys switched, Sayori was in tow.

"Hey Y/N, wanna play some volleyball before the big tournament this afternoon?" She said, and gave you a big hug.

"Sure!" You replied, and she went back to the otherside of the court.

After a few rounds of volleyball, playing beachball, and wave jumping, the group was exhausted. So that was up to you and Monika to make lunch for the group.

"So what did you bring for us?" You asked Monika, who revealed five bento boxes.

"I made sure that these wouldn't get cold because this would be enough nourishment for the tournament tonight." Monika said, and began to hand out the bento boxes. Yuri began handing out drinks from a cooler, and Sayori placed towels on the beach for a good eating space.

The group sat down and began to each and chat about some of the events that had happened while they were on the beach.

Now it was time for the big beach volleyball tournament that lasted for a few hours. The victory team was Yuri and Y/N.

At the end of the day, you guys walked back to your houses, and when you reached your house, something happened.

Each girl thanked you for the time spent together, and kissed you on the cheek.


Hello Everyone!

Long time no see for this book, but I do have an important message for all of you.

When I get to the 50th request, that will be the end for this book. The reason is because I have a sequel that's ready to go up. So any new request that I see, that I haven't written down, will go on that book and not this one.

I hope you enjoy these last 8 one shots.

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