28 {Natsuki x Yuri}

755 20 19

Skating Day

{Updated Version}


Yuri was anxiously waiting for this day to happen. She loved Natsuki, but never had found a way to show her the admiration she had for her.

Until she had recently had received some discount tickets for two at the skating rink. Yuri managed to get Natsuki to say yes to go with her.


Yuri walked up to the skating rink, and had saw Natsuki waiting for her.

She was wearing a pink outfit, that was warm enough to skate the ice.

"Hey Natsuki!" Yuri called out to her, and she smiled.

"Hey Yuri! Are you ready to go and skate?" She asked, and Yuri nodded.

Natsuki and Yuri went into the rink, and Yuri went over to pay for the discounted skates.

"Yuri...? Can you hold me for balance?" Natsuki said with some anticipation.

"Yes! I can definitely do that!" Yuri smiled, and held Natsuki so that she wouldn't fall.

"Thank you so much!" Natsuki had said as she admired Yuri's balanced strength against her frail body.

"I would never let you go, Natsuki. You're the one that I want to hold, to hug when you're feeling sad, and to love when you need it the most." Yuri said with a smile, as they skated along side of the rink.

Wow, I actually did it.

I wonder how she is going to take this.

Hopefully, it's for the best, but I can take rejection.

"Yuri. . . There's something I've been meaning to tell you." Natsuki began, a small smile forming on her face.

"I've loved you since the first day we met at the literature club. Everything about you, I love. Including your love for knives." Natsuki managed to say as their blades skated swiftly along the ice.

At this point, the two girls were practically gliding gracefully as if they were professionals.

The groups around them moved carefully out of their way, and watched them dance to the music.

"I've been waiting to tell you,"

Here it is, the grand finale.

"-That I love you!"

In that moment, the pair ended their dance with a kiss.

Applause flooded the room, and cheering could be heard from the sidelines.

"We should go." Yuri said, looking at a flushed Natsuki.

Natsuki nodded, and they made it out of the rink holding each other's hand.


This is the updated version of this one-shot.

Hopefully it's a bit better now.


When this book reaches 13K, everyone gets a cookie.


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