41 ❄️Yuri x Reader❄️

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Yuri looked out of the window, and noticed the ground was covered in a blanket of white snow. She smiled happily, since she knew that today was the last day of school!

Yuri immediately sprang up from her bed, and had gotten dressed for school. She wasn't sure if the Literature Club was doing anything regarding the holiday, but she had brought a gift for the club meeting anyway. She had also managed to get her hands on writing a poem to a special someone. With all of her possessions, she skipped to school happily in the cold and frigid air.


Moments earlier, you had gotten up from your bed to see Yuri skipping off to school. You smiled, and scampered to put on your clothes with ease. You had known about the "Secret Santa" gift exchange, and had gotten Yuri a present. She was going to adore your gift, because you had made it special and the gift was in her favorite shade of violet. 

You went out of the door, and headed onwards to school. 


It was time for the "Secret Santa" gift exchange! 

(So basically it went like this: Yuri had gotten you without realizing it, You had gotten Yuri, Monika had gotten Sayori, and Sayori had gotten Monika.)

"Alright club members, it's time for the gift exchange. The first person who's going is  Yuri!" Monika smiled, and Yuri was quite flustered.

"Y/N, I had gotten you two presents. One that's wrapped, and the other is written." Yuri said with a smile, and handed you both of the gifts.

You had opened one of the gifts, and it was a stylish f/c present! The other was a poem, and the poem had read:

"I began my journey in search of true love
And looked to the sky, for strength from above
If love is so great, why is it hard to find
I cannot see it, am I just blind.

What is true love, does it really exist
Is it a feeling, a thought or an abyss
Where is true love, is it lost in the mist
Is it in my mind, my heart or behind my first kiss.

Why do hearts hurt if love is so pure
Many are broken and seeking a cure
What is true love, is it big or small
They say 'It's better to have loved, than not at all'

Where can I find it, where does one look
In nature, in others, or a romantic book
'It comes from within', that is what they say
Do I search in my soul or continue to pray.

My journey now over, I will share what I found
True love is within us and holds no bounds
It is a beautiful feeling, within one's soul
It can be shared with others and make you whole.

From this feeling of love there is so much to gain
If it is true love you will never feel pain
It will not deceive you, or devalue your worth
An abundance of this love can bring peace on earth.

This feeling of love can be found nowhere else
No glamour, no glitter or extreme wealth
This materialistic world to which we aspire
Cannot give us the true love our hearts desire.

As I close my eyes and relax my mind
I discover inner feelings deep down inside
Peace, happiness and harmony too
True love exists there within all of you.

Now that I have found it, I will never let it go
I shall cherish these feelings deep in my soul
No one can destroy it, it is here forever
This true love of mine will leave me never."

"Aww Yuri, that poem is so sweet!" You said while giving her a hug, and placing a kiss on her soft lips.

Yuri kissed back, and smiled.

You had also presented Yuri with her gift, and that was:

A necklace with a silver chain, and a purple heart charm.


Hello there everyone!!

There will be another important A/N after these one-shots have been completed!

Have a great day!!

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