34 {Natsuki x A! F! Reader}

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Words Can Heal



One day, you believe that your going to be okay, and that your situation is going to be resolved.

Then, another day goes by, and you think that the situation isn't going to be okay or that it will never end.

Y/N had always believed that there was going to be some solution to her problem. She was abused by her father, but that was because he had no idea what to do with her.

He treated her as if she was a toy, and all she did was cover everything up.

But on one day, she had gotten her miracle, and so did someone else.

"Hello, and welcome to the Literature Club! My name is Monika, and I am the club president! I am joined by Sayori, the Vice President, Natsuki, and Yuri. I hope that this club will be a great club for you, Y/N." Monika smiled, and Y/N smiled back.

Natsuki eyed Y/N, and finally walked up to her.

"Hey. My name is Natsuki, and I was wondering if we could talk over there." Natsuki said, pointing towards the closet area.

"Hello, and okay." You said, while following Natsuki over to there.

"Why did you choose this place, Natsuki?" You asked, as soon as you reached there.

"I chose this place because I wanted to ask you something. This question is pretty big, and I wasn't sure if you wanted me to ask it over there." Natsuki sighed, she really didn't want to ask you this question.

"What is your question?" You asked, and kinda smiled.

"Are you being abused?" Natsuki sighed, she was pretty worried.

"Yes. How could you tell?" Y/N sighed in defeat.

"The way your eyes look whenever you think that nobody is watching you. I know that look. I am also abused because my dad had believed that I caused my mother's death." Natsuki looked at you sincerely.

"I am being abused by my dad because I'm his toy. It's honestly so hard to not think about what's going to go on when I get home, and open the front door." Y/N sighed again.

"Hopefully we both can get through our problems together. If you want that, Y/N." Natsuki smiled, and Y/N pulled her into a hug.

"I would definitely like that, Natsuki."

Y/N sealed the deal with a kiss.


This one is so much better than the last one.

I am glad to say that requesting is back open!

This story part may or may not be in your copy of the story.

Wattpad keeps unpublishing it and it's really making me mad.


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