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Amy and I gotten out classes the next day after Oksizz had attacked. All seven of us were almost in all of the same class which was strange but good Amy and I had also gotten a room in the school they had called it doorms. The other deadly sins did heard about me defeating Pride some of them want to test my strength themselves but only one is not coming which was "Envy" Pride said that Envy is now a king in a place called Alaska none of us had heard of a place like that but I knew that one day I will fight him. I was in my first with a teacher named Mr. Muscles he was really skinny down to the bone he really doesn't look so strong he has no muscles.
Hanzo: "Mr. Muscles why is it that everyone calls you that you have no muscles your bone skinny I can even defeat you blind folded right now if I want to."
He put the blind folded over my eyes which I couldn't see anything.
Karen: "Why do people call you Mr.Muscles sir? You have no muscles."
Rex: "Karen NO!"
The teacher ripped off his shirt and his body became buffed up the light that was shining on his body made it shine.
Rex: "See what I told you Karen."
Mr.Muscles: "I use magic to change my body now I am stronger than what you first thought when you seen me. So Hanzo are you still up for the challenge and if you beat me you will pass my class which I had never lost."
Hanzo: "Ok this will be fun but I'll go easy I'll use my Fenrir form it doesn't have much power but it has speed."
Mr.Muscles: "Sure go on a head do it is still going to be a challenge anyways for you."
As soon as Hanzo transformed into his Fenrir form the room was starting to get cold then when the teacher charged to Hanzo to strike him but with Hanzo's incredible speed he missed, then Hanzo kept making quick attacks on him and started to freeze his body and slow him down before Hanzo was able to make the final blow Mr.Muscles grabbed Hanzo's fist and broke his hand then slammed him to the ground.
Hanzo: "I underestimated you. Your pretty good and strong I give you that much. (What why am I not healing something is wrong but I can't focus on it now I need to win.) Now I am going to finish you off now. Se ka lee mo ne bek su FREEZE!"
Mr.Muscles body was being encased in ice then Hanzo transfers all the power he had to one final attack. Hanzo had won the match but he passed out once that he did.

(Oksizz castle)
Demon: "Oksizz when are you going to destroy that school of magic there are stronger now than before."
Oksizz: "As soon as one more of the deadly sins shows up I'll gladly destroy it."

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