New start

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A new start.
It's been years since that accident that mostly everyone has forgotten about...except for me; the murder of my mother.

The first step to justice is becoming a reporter. Become a reporter will help me investigate the case and be able to show the world through tv my father's innocent.

The only thing I think about. I can't be distracted by friends or parties.
If I want to get justice I'll have to only have my mind on that and nothing else. Also I don't need anyone; the only thing friends are is a waste of time and soon will turn their backs on you when they have no more use of you or you're no more fun. So why have them? I've been fine without them.

"Do you see that guy their he's so cute".

"I know right. Lets go and try to talk to him".

"Hi what's your name"?


"Do you have a girlfriend"?


"Omg how do you not have one you're so handsome"?

"I'm not interested in being in a  relationship and that includes you. Now if you don't mind can you leave me alone and stop wasting my time".

"What-you're so rude".

"Are you done yet".


It was lunch time and all I had on my mind was food.

"That's strange", Minho said out of nowhere.

Minho is my best friend he's 2 years older then me but he's been my friend for around 5 years.

"What's strange", I ask.

"That kid over their", Minho points to a pretty good looking guy; he has pitch black hair. This kid was sitting alone and reading nothing really strange to me.

"What's strange about him"?

"Well he's pretty popular with the girls yet he's stitting alone".

"How do you know he's popular with the girls"?

"Just look around all the girls are staring at him...except for you. Maybe your the weird one".

"I'll let you pass this one time. Anyways I guess that is kinda weird. But what I'm curious about is why he's sitting alone".

"Maybe he's waiting for his friends",Minho suggested.

"I don't think so".

"Hyun-bin this is your best friend Minho who knows you better then anyone else I know what your thinking. Just let the dude alone".

"Alright I'll try but I can promise you anything".


Its been a month since school started and he's still alone. I know Minho told me to leave leave him alone but I can't help to be curious. Why is he alone?


"Hello my name is Hyun-bin what's your name"?

Hello so if you couldn't notice I've been posting on Fridays and I'll try to continue doing that.
Thank you for reading my book

Goodbye||Taemin ff AUWhere stories live. Discover now