Back Together

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Once the phone call ended I heard a bang coming from the living room. Didn't he say to tell Taemin to be careful. Is he in the living room? Is he going to hurt him? I then quickly look around the room to find a weapon. I grab a vase and run to the living room. I then saw Taemin sleeping peacefully but nobody seems to be around. He must have broken in and left already. I then wake up Taemin.

Taemin yawns and asks,"What's wrong Hyun-Bin"?

"He broke in".

Taemin then sits up,"Who broke in"?

"My stalker".

"How do you know"?

"He called me from your phone and told me to tell you to be careful. I then heard a noise coming from the living room so I thought he was here with you; and that he would hurt you".

"If that was the case you should have stayed in the room and called the cops. This is so frustrating you're not even safe here", Taemin says while he ran his fingers through his hair.

"I'll report this to the police I recorded the call so I have proof".

"Okay then you should go back to sleep. Lock the door just in case".


•The Next Day At School•

I was in the cafeteria waiting for Hyun-Bin. I then see her coming over but she's not alone she's with Minho.

"Hey Taemin can Minho sit with us", Hyun-Bin asked.

I just nod my head.

After a few minutes of silence I say,"Well it looks like you guys made up".

"Yeah we talked during our math class. Minho said he was sorry for judging who you are without getting to know you and telling me that we couldn't be friends".

I then look over to Minho. So he didn't want me to be friends with Hyun-Bin. Could he be the crazy stalker. They both seem very possessive over Hyun-Bin not wanted others to be near her.

Minho then asks,"Something bothering you Taemin"?

"Oh no just thinking about something", I said with a fake smile.

I the turn over to Hyun-Bin and ask," Do you want to hang out after school"?

"Sorry I can't Taemin. Minho and I already made plans to hang out today. But you can join us if you want".

I then got a text. I look at it and see it's from Key.

Key: Do you want to meet up after your done with your classes?

Taemin: Yeah sure.

"Sorry I can't just made plans with your brother".

I then look at Minho," Key probably wants to tell me more information on a certain someone".

•End of Classes•

Goodbye||Taemin ff AUWhere stories live. Discover now