First Friend

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"I'm picking you up get ready".

Wow why is he so rude I swear one day in going to lose my patience. Fricken rude brat.

Knock knock

I then open the door and just let him in without saying a word.

"Hmm... You don't even check who was knocking; I could have been a robber".

"I don't need to check I can already tell its you".

"You seem to be in a bad mood. What happened", he said while giggling.

"Hahaha Taemin since when are you so funny I know you don't care. Anyways lets go".

Once we enter his car I put on my seatbelt and asked," So where are we going now".

"Have you eaten"?


"Well too bad your eating again because we're going to a cafe".

"But why"?

Taemin then turned to me and smiled," Because I want to get to know you more".

He couldn't even hold his laugh.

"You're really bad at lying".

"Hahah really. But you got to admit it was a good joke".

I then looked out the window it was currently winter. Everything was plain and dead. I then turned to see Taemin is this perhaps how he looks in the inside.

"Why are you staring at me"?

"No reason", I then closed my eyes.

I then felt a nudge,"Wake up Hyun-Bin or else I'm leaving you here in the car".

I then opened my eyes and yawned,"Where am I"?

"Where here at the cafe hurry up".

I then got out the car and ran to catch up to Taemin.

"Wow I must have been really tired".

"Did you not sleep"?


Taemin then poked my eye bags,"No wonder you have dark circles. You should sleep".

"Awww does Taemin perhaps care about me"?

He then flicked my forehead,"No way".

"Yah that hurts".

We were now sitting at a table I was eating a cake while Taemin drinked his coffee.

"So why did you want to meet up"?

Taemin then scratched his head,"Well.... I had nothing else to do so I thought we could hang out".

Is he embarrassed? Taemin no way.

"Oh what happened yesterday at the hospital"?

"Oh well I went to ask about a past friend".

"What did they say"?

"She's studying aboard".

"Did you want to met her"?

"No not really I just wanted to know how she was doing. But I was told she was fine so that's good enough for me".

"That's good".

So he does have feelings. He even had friends he cares about.

"Will you get peace now that you know she's doing well"?

"No in order for me to get I need to put the murderer of my mother in jail".

"Isn't your father the person who killed your mother"?


"What then who did"?


I missed last Friday again I'm sorry.
Ill try to post every Friday. I hope you enjoy this chapter and thank you for reading my book bye.

Goodbye||Taemin ff AUWhere stories live. Discover now