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>>Your POV<<
Me and Jinyoung fell to the ground and tried to catch our breaths.

"Best school day ever.." he chuckled.

We jerked our heads towards he door when we heard it open. We saw 2 boys walk into the room clapping.

"You two should join the dance team!" The shorter one said and the taller one nodded.

"I'm Jungkook and this is Jimin!! We're apart of the dance team" the taller one exclaimed and bowed followed by I think Jimin.

Me and Jinyoung stood up and bowed. "Maybe I'll try.." Jinyoung said and looked up to the ceiling like he's thinking.

"Yeah maybe me too..". I thought out loud while scratching my chin.

The two of them chuckled.

"Are you guys a couple?" Jimin asked and pointed to our matching hoodies.

Jinyoung and I backed away from each other and yelled in union, "NO!"

They both got a little startled themself and laughed.

"I'm just assuming because ya know your matching.. ooh and every your bracelets!" Jungkook said and pointed to your matching bracelets.

We blushed a little and looked away from the duo. "We're just really close friends." I answered.

They smirked. "Then why are you two blushing?" Jimin asked and examined the two of us.

Me and Jinyoung stood still. "we're just playing you two..." Jungkook giggled and started to hit Jinyoung shoulder playfully.

Me and Jinyoung let go of our breaths that we didn't know we were holding onto. They chuckled even more. We all started to dance to the music and I stood on the side watching and dying from laughter

Gashina started to play and I stepped in the middle of them.

"GASHINA!!" We all sang/yelled together. Jungkook started to dance along too making me laugh when he almost fell on the ground.

Pick Me(Nayana) started to play and Jinyoung started to dance to the rhythm. And I joined in singing along as well.

"Nayana!!Nayana!!" I sang to the music. Jimin couldn't stop laughing and fell to the ground.

We all laughed together sat on the floor looking at the half finished poster on the ground. "hmm well help you two... Because that's what friends are for right?"Jimin asked and grabbed a paint brush.


Like We Met Before ~ Bae Jinyoung Book // #1Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu