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Me and Jinyoung walked out the dance practice room and started to shuffle towards the front of the school.

"I'm tired..."  I sighed and held onto Jinyoungs backpack so he could drag me along too.

"Hop on Pabo.." he sides and squats down so I can't jump on his back.

"Aniyooo...." I complain.

He pulls me closer and forces me to jump on.

I sigh and relax my head on his shoulder.

"Comfortable?" He asked.

I nodded in response.

He smiled to himself and continued to walk.

I soon relaxed my head in between his head and should in the crease of his neck, he smelt so good....

He giggled a little and stopped when the light turned red.

"Yeah.." I said softly.

He giggled some more and started to walk again when the light turned green.

"Oppa... gamsahamnida..." I said tiredly.

He nodded and brought me closer to the front door.

"Oppaaaa let me downnnn..." I complain.

"Give me your key... I'll help you." He said and reached out his hand signaling me to give the key.

I reached in my pocket and pulled the key right out. I dropped it in his hand and put my head between his neck again.

He smirks a little and opened the door.

"Opppaaaaaaaaaa gamsahamnidaaaa~~~~" I aegyo making his smile.

"No problem." He answered and walked up to the couch.

He looked out the window and sighed.

"Wow it's raining... and hard..." He muttered and pointed out the window.

I slowly looked up from his neck and gasped a little.

"Oppa you should stay... plus I don't want you to get sick..." I said and jumped off his back.

He nodded and sat on the couch, soon I follow and sit next to him.

I slowly become drowsy and close my eyes for a while.

"Lay down." Jinyoung said and patted on his lap signaling me to lay my head down.

I slowly lay my head on his lap and yawn.

"annyeonghi jumuseyo"((Good night)) I say.

"jalja, joh-eun kkum kkwo" ((good night and sweet dreams)) he replied.

Like We Met Before ~ Bae Jinyoung Book // #1Where stories live. Discover now