Chapter: 23

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Jungkook's POV'

Yesterday was one of the best days of my life, and even though I didn't smash and of course that were not my intentions I just wanted to put it out there, I still enjoyed and loved it.

I felt someone breathing on my ear which was actually quite ticklish so I opened my eyes.

And saw my beautiful chipmunk sleeping like an angel, I smiled and thought this was the best opportunity to look at her facial features.

Her beautiful long light brown hair her smooth white skin, and rosey pink lips.

I was so lost in her features I didn't notice she was awake and still hugging my waist.

"Oh sor-sorry" I said quickly gettin away from her while scratching the back of my head.

I was embarrassed, why wouldn't I be I was practically eye rapping her but just her face this time.

What?, I am a man and she is a very attractive lady and sometimes my eyes just go where ever they want to go on their own.

And what happened just now, she probably thinks I'm a freaking lunatic.

I was looking down feeling extremely embarrassed I don't want her to think of me in a bad way and think that I am a freaking pervert.

I know you all are thinking that maybe I am just over reacting, but the fact that she caught me looking at her lips while I was licking my lips, just gives me a bad idea that she thinks way differently.

She chuckles at me and comes near, and this is where I get tense and where my heart starts running a marathon.

She ruffles my hair and pinches my cheeks and says, "awh you're cute kookie, it's okay" She kisses my cheek and bops my nose.

And this is where my heart goes crazy and I feel like a feather is tickling my insides, I feel so light I feel like I can fly. But miserably fail, and fall but still be happy cuz:


I know this is not the first time she kissed me on the cheek but for some reason this one feels more special, I just wanna tackle her down on the bed and make it rain with my kisses.

But unfortunately I can't do that, well not now I cant. 😏

"Thank you for last night" She says looking at me, and me finally stopped being a coward I looked at her, we made eye contact.

Seriously her eyes will be the death of me.

"Your welcome, I am happy I made you feel safe" I said gathering all of my courage to hold her hand.

Her cheeks quickly changed to a light pink tint.

Awh my adorable chipmunk.

She started to nervously put strands of her hair behind her ears.

I think this is her habit when she is nervous.

"I like it" I say shortly, suddenly feeling really confident.

"You like what?" She said looking straight up at me.

"That I have that effect on you, I make you nervous" I said with a sly smirk.

"In a good way" She adds, and I'm surprised.

Her cheeks turn a little more red.
I think imma die. Confident.

"Ah-we have b-been talking f-or a long t-time, I think we s-should g-get freshen u-up" She stutters but which I find painfully cute, but one word catches my attention.

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