Chapter 7

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The crowd was quiet, we all watched as the two teams were determined to win. 20 seconds on the clock, and we're tied with the other team. I watched as number 16 looked over at me. Ethan.

I couldn't help but feel like he was looking for reassurance in me, so I nodded, hoping he'd see.

The game started again and it was all up to Colton and Ethan.

Colton caught the ball and threw it across the field and we all watched as the ball neared Ethan more. He jumped to grab the ball and before I knew it, he was sprinting with the ball in hand to the goal.

The crowd cheered and the cheer team all jumped from our seats and ran towards the guys coming together in one large group.

"Ethan! Ethan! Ethan!" They all chanted and lifted him in the air. I hugged my brother and we all jumped up and down chanting and cheering.

"Okay, let me down. Let me down." Ethan's feet were planted on the ground and he bro hugged Colton.


"You boys were great. I'm glad we were able to make it to your game." My mom, dad, Colton and the twins walked into my house after the game and the boys threw themselves onto the couch.

"So kids, your mom and I want to talk to you about something." My dad sat next to Grayson on the couch and my mom stood next to me sitting on one of the chairs.

"Oh my god, is something wrong?" Colton sat up straight and looked from our dad to our mom, then back to our dad.

"Nothing bad at all. Well, you kids know you don't have school on Monday and Tuesday, and your dad and I feel bad for not being home as much, so we were wondering if you four wanted to drive up to New York and go camping for the weekend. That is if it's okay with your parents, boys?"

"Yes! We haven't gone camping in forever." I looked at Colton who looked over at the twins.

"Sure, That seems fun." Ethan smirked and pulled his phone out.

Why can't I stop staring at Ethan? I swear I'm unable to look away from him.

"Alright, boys are you staying here tonight? We want to drive up there early tomorrow." My dad said as he walked back in with waters for the worn out boys.

"Yeah, we can bring an air mattress or something for you guys to sleep in my room." Colton suggested.

"Okay, now shower and get ready for bed, we have a bit of packing to do tomorrow." My mom rubbed my shoulder and her and my dad walked upstairs together.

"Where's the air mattress, Claudia?" We all stood up and I led the way upstairs.

"In the storage room." I walked to my closet and grabbed clothes for me to change into once I finished my shower.

"Ugh, that thing is so heavy and you expect me to carry it all the way upstairs?" Colton whined as he stood in the doorway of my closet.

"Just make one of them sleep on the floor, preferably Ethan." I rolled my eyes at the thought of the jerk.

"Orrr, your little boyfriend can sleep in your room tonight." He pleaded

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