Deadly Temptation (30)

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Janessa stayed put in her spot on the floor as Reese paced back and forth, no doubt trying to come up with a plan to dispose of her friends and take her away. He thought he could bring her here to humiliate her like she did him—and he did. His words didn't hurt but when he slapped her, she was transported back to two years ago when she was scared for her life.

She thought this time would be different; that she was older and smarter when it came to Reese but she was wrong. She was still afraid of him— no matter how hard she tried to convince herself otherwise.

"Janessa," Kimmy whispered while keeping her eye on Reese. She didn't dare look at Lily who was now unconscious with blood slowly running down the side of her face.

At first, Janessa remained quiet. She felt beaten down and unsure of how this was going to turn out. She had considered death but she knew he wouldn't hurt her, she thought he wouldn't hurt her. Now, she didn't know what was going to happen. The possibility of Reese killing her—whether accidentally or on purpose— was now higher than she originally thought.

"Janessa," she whispered again.

She looked up from the floor with tears in her eyes and a lost look on her face. Kimmy's heart immediately broke. Reese had tormented this girl and she had defended him. She didn't once stop to think what Janessa had gone through.

"Look, I can't change what I did in the past but I am sorry." She whispered. "You don't deserve this. You need to fight back."

"I can't," Janessa whispered back with fresh tears. "I can't..."

"Yes, you can. Keith always said you were a smart girl and now I believe him. I know you can." She indicated over to the block that Reese had dropped after he hit Lily. It was on the other side of Lily's chair.

"Why are you being nice?"

"Because I've been a horrible person to you these last few years." She replied, "plus we need to get out of here."

Looking back down, her mind ran on Keith and she cursed herself for being weak. She had put up this tough mask and fooled everyone into thinking she was capable of taking care of herself. What a big joke.

Be strong for him! Her conscience screamed.

Maybe she wasn't the tough, independent girl she sold to everyone... but somehow she knew Keith saw through all of that. That's why he was always protective of her and she would get frustrated with him. He saw through her facade and still loved her. Every strength and weakness she had— he loved.

He had warned her about coming here. He saw it all before she could and she still disregarded him. She foolishly put herself and her friends in this situation— but not anymore.

She stealthily crawled over to Lily while he wasn't looking and snatched the block, hiding it behind her as she went back to her spot.

—she had to fix it. Had to do something.

"Reese— or should I call you Stanley?" She said aloud with her head raised.

Reese stopped pacing in the far corner of the room and turned to look at her. "As much as I loved you moaning my brother's name while I was inside of you, I'd prefer you calling my real name when I get to fuck you." He slowly approached her.

"Oh yeah?" She slowly rose until she was on her feet. Reese wouldn't deny her sexual advances. His weakness was his sexual appetite. That's how he got both Jennifer and herself pregnant, she thought.

"Yeah, baby,"

"Why don't we test it out then?" She gulped, bracing herself for what was to come. No one was coming to save them so she had to be smart— collected. She needed him vulnerable.

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