Shooting Season 2

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So, it was the start of 2017. I was really happy that 2016 ended cause it was the worst year of my life. Celebrity deaths, anxiety due to ST, acne, stress etc. So I was really relieved that I could put it all behind me. When we were shooting season 1, I was the most "developed" out of everyone, I was the tall one, the most hormonal one and I was the least childish one even tho like 70% of the cast was older than me. Lucas/Caleb was the oldest so I think that's why I connected to him more than the others.

Anyway, I arrive to the set. I'm talking to the people who work there etc, and then I see Caleb and Gaten and I start to scream. "SHJSJSJS OMG!! CALEEEB!! GATEEENN!!" As I run to them with full sprint, they're faces light up and they have these huge smile on their faces. I'm ready to hug EVERYONE. I run to Caleb and I jump on him, giving him the tightest hug ever. "OMG I MISSED YOU SOO MUCH, YOURE SO TALL!" says Caleb while he's lowkey unable to breathe cause I'm hugging him so tight. "IM TALL?! LOOK AT YOU! YOURE SO MUCH TALLER OMF YOU LOOK GOOD!" I turn around and give this smirk to Gaten, he opens his arms and I give him a hug and it's just as tight. "GATEN! WOW! YOU LOOK AMAZING AND LMF YOUR TEETH!!"
"Yeeaa, I got thi-" and before he could finish, Millie says with the most loudest and sassiest "hi" I've ever heard.  We all turn our head and gasp to see that she's standing there with Noah, and ofc me being me, I run up to her and jump on her, I was 100% sure that she was gonna fall down to the ground. We laughed and then I gave Noah a hug and I started to jump with Noah cause I was so excited and Noah being Noah, joined me. Everybody was laughing.

We all talked and caught up, and then Gaten catches a glimpse of something and he starts to smile "FINN!" he shouts. I totally forgot about him and I turn around and I see him and my heart drops. He changed sooooo much! He got taller, his hair became so curly and it suits him, his eyebrows were so much more visible and he just looked good in general. And then, you know the drill, I start to run towards him like Usain Bolt, and I hug him so hard. "KSKSKA I MISSED YOU SO MUCH AND OMG YOU LOOK SO GOOD WOW YOURE SM TALLER! ALMOST AS TALL AS ME SKSKAJ WOOAAAH!" I didn't realize it until later that I was basically screaming into his ear cause we were still hugging, I could feel his hand on my lower back. "Ahah thanks, y/n! You look good as well!" We pull back, and just smile at each other for one second before the other guys start to hug him.

After that we gather and just start to socialize, we're given our trailers to put our bags and stuff in. Mine is right next to Finns and Millie's. Oh yeah, we also met Sadie, she was new and we got along the most. Me, Sadie and Millie were like the holy trinity.

In season 2, y/c/n and Mike got closer, y/c/n becomes a bigger plot to the story and she gets more screen time. For some reason me and Finn got along pretty well, he made these bad jokes that were so dumb that they were good. We were starting to film episode 1 of season 2. Finn got his Mike Wheeler hair and clothes while I got on my 'trendy' 80's clothes and hair. "Wow, you actually don't look that bad" says Finn while he sits in the makeup chair, getting his hair ready. "Really? I feel like an idiot, but boy, you, you look GOOD!" I said ridiculously, he giggled and gave me a smile.

We did the scene where y/c/n is with the boys and they talk about Max. In between takes Finn was showing me all these videos online, and memes. They were pretty funny, I'll give it to him. "Wait wait wait, I gotta show you this awesome song, it's amazing!" Finn said with a somewhat sarcastic voice. "Erhm okay". Finn gets real close to me, we were like at a "kissing space", you know when people get real close before they kiss. It was THAT close, idk why that made me nervous but I got over it. It was a dumb ass song, it was crazy frog. I looked at him dead in the eye while I furrowed my brows, he looked at me and gave me the biggest smile, showing teeth and everything. He started to dance to it and I burst out laughing! I joined him and we were dancing like idiots! Little did we know, Millie and Sadie were filming us, they were cracking up. "Omg YES! This is the best thing ever!" Millie shouts, I look over and see them. "MILLIE!! OMG YOUUUU SNEAAAAKYYYY BITCHHH" Millie tilts her head back and gives an evil laughter. I start to laugh as well, I look over at Finn and he is DYING. He looks at me and gives me a frown. "Awww, it's okaaaayyy!" He says sarcastically while he starts walking towards me and gives me a 'comforting hug'. "I'm getting bulliieeeed!" I say jokingly. I can sense Finn is starting to giggle on my shoulder. The moment is over, it's time to shoot the scene.

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