Chapter 52: Home

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Part 2

Have you ever woke up in the middle of the night, feeling like you couldn't breathe? Or when you had a terrible anxiety attack, you felt like your heart stopped then you'd die. Like everything in your body stopped moving, and you were just...there. In the dark, at night, alone.

That's how I felt, like my insides, my heart and lungs were gone, and I was just there. Somewhere.


I was shocked to hear myself speak. I didn't know where I was, it was too dark. I moved my hand and placed it on my heart. I kept it there for a while until I felt a pulse. There was one! I was still alive. Or was I? I waved my hands around, kicked my feet. My body was still working. I slid my fingers over my wrist but didn't feel anything. No wetness, no scars. Again, was I alive?

I finally sat up, feeling like I was looking around with my eyes closed. I  stood up but felt dizzy because I felt like I was standing in a dark box that had been raised into the. 

"Hello!" I yelled this time.

Suddenly, I heard laughter. Familiar laughter. 

As soon as it began, the darkness turned into light. Pure white light, and nothing else. I looked down at my wrist. There were no scars. None. I gasped when I noticed I was wearing fluffy white pants and a green shirt that fit me perfectly. My skin had a strange and eerie glow to it. I felt so...light.

"Well, it took you long enough." An unfamiliar voice announced from behind me.

I turned around to find a woman dressed in a green dress. Her skin was brown, with a glow as bright as the moon to her face. The closer she walked towards me, the more the glow faded, and I could see her face clearer. She had gleaming grey eyes with a broad smile. She was tall and skinnier than any women I had ever seen. She touched my face, and I swear, she wasn't hot or cold. It was a different texture, one I had never felt before, and for the first time in my life, I felt so alive. Like she had turned on a long lost switch inside of me.

"I'm Ava," she said, her voice as soft as the wind. "your mother's loyal companion here." Her hands lingered down to my chest. "Oh, my!" She said out loud.

I was going to ask where I was, but I was concerned about what she seemed so shocked. "What's the matter?" I asked.

"I must take you to your mother," she said quickly, her smile disappearing. 

I put my hand on my heart. It was still beating, so I didn't see what the concern was.

Ava took a step back then raised her hands in the air. In a whoosh, the whiteness went away, replaced by a whole new world. The ground underneath my feet became water, but it was solidly protected by nothing. "Impossible," I said, then looked around at everything else. Like Earth, this place had a sky and birds, except the sky was green and the ground was blue. People began appearing. Real people, followed by small but beautiful houses made from colorful rocks and stones. There were bigger homes that resembled mansions, but not like the ones on Earth. Some of these floated. There wasn't a flaw in this place. The air smelled like an expensive perfume I had once smelled. Musk perhaps. 

"Come," Ava ordered.

We began walking towards a mansion-like place where the stones were all yellow. There were windows, and I could see people walking back and forth inside. There was wind, but it felt so smooth against my face like invisible hands brushing through my hair, welcoming me.

"Is this The Lovely Suicide Children's home?" I asked.

Ava looked at me, giving me a weak smile. "Yes," she said. "It's called Home. Just Home."

As I looked around, seeing young kids play and people my age walk around with smiles on their faces, I chuckled. "Home." Shocked, I could call it this. "If this is Home, I never want to leave."

"Well," Ava said as we approached the yellow mansion's stone door. "I'm not entirely sure you can call it that yet."

"Huh?" I looked at her, confused. "But, I am dead right? Can't I stay?"

Suddenly, the stone doors opened on there own. My mother. A beautiful woman dressed and adorned with garments and jewelry. She spread her arms out and walked towards me. "My eyes burn with joy at your presence, daugh-" 

"What?" I said, confused when my mother stopped reaching towards me for a hug. 

Her hand slowly slid from my neck to my chest. 

"What is it, mom?" I asked.

"Impossible," she frowned.

"Mom, what is it?" I asked. "What's wrong?"

Soon mother opened the palm of her hand. "Look," she said.

A small pool of water formed in her hand. When I looked into it, I saw myself, eyes closed, laying somewhere with Rose beside me. There were tubes in my nose, and doctors around me. Mother closed up her hand and looked at me then sighed.

"You're not completely dead," she said. "You're in a coma."

I didn't know what that meant for me, but I was hoping it was nothing serious. Besides, I didn't want to leave. 

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