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"D-Daddy i want to leave", Hoseok whimpered.

The red head held tightly onto the hem of the older's shirt as they walked through the shark exhibit.

"Yoongi! Look at the bull shark!", Jimin cheered as he ran to a different glass.

"Jiminie don't run off", Yoongi called out.

It was too late though, Jimin was already gone between the crowd of people.

"Come on Hobi the faster we move we'll get out quicker", Yoongi reassured planting a kiss on the younger's lips.

Hoseok nodded before they walked after the short blonde, who was gawking at the great white shark in the tank.

"It's so cool! Better than on tv!", Jimin squealed.

"You've never been to the aquarium?", Hoseok asked.

"Nope", Jimin answered as his eyes attentively followed the animal.

"Woah really? That's sad", Hoseok pouted.

"Hoseok shh", Yoongi shushed before ruffling Jimin's hair.

"Yeah master never let me out of the house", Jimin sighed smiled sadly watching the shark swim by.

"Well he's not here anymore, we will take you to so many beautiful places", Yoongi responded proudly.

"Yeah!", Hoseok added fistpumping the air.

Jimin giggled before walking down the hall, probably to look at another shark.

"Jimin wait for us", Hoseok whined as he ran after the blonde.


"Daddy, Daddy i want pizza", Hoseok cheered in the front seat.

Jimin only watched as Yoongi laughed at Hoseok's request whenever they passed by a restaurant.

"Let's let Jiminie chooese where to eat", Yoongi suggested.

"Ok! Jimin-ah where do you want to eat?", Hoseok cooed looking at the back seat.

"I want to eat sushi, and noodles", Jimin grinned as Hoseok pet his head softly.

"There's a sushi place a few streets down, we'll get there quickly", Yoongi smiled as he accelerated once the light turned green.

~ 🍤~

"D-Daddy this looks icky", Hoseok gagged poking a piece of shrimp.

"N-No Hobi-hyung it's good! Try it", Jimin chirped grabbing the shrimp with his chopsticks.

Hoseok looked hesitant but then he remembered what Yoongi and his parents would tell him, so he ate it and slowly chewed.

"How is it Hobi?", Yoongi asked with a soft smile.

"It's great!", Hoseok boomed eating up the rest of his food.

"You see, you won't know how it tastes if you haven't tried it", Yoongi lectured before ruffling Hoseok's red locks.

Jimin laughed quietly before he gobbled down his food.

'Maybe escaping was a good thing'

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