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"Daddy.. 'm, sleepy", Hoseok yawned rubbing his eyes with his fists.

"Alright then let's get you into bed baby", Yoongi answered quietly, the silence between the three was peaceful.

Yoongi stood up and held Hoseok's hand before walking down the hall.

Jimin watched as they walked off before letting out a soft sigh. He got on top of the sofa Yoongi was sitting and curled up in the spot the older was.

Soft purrs escaped Jimin's lips as the warmth of the seat and his blankets engulfed him. His eyes became heavy and before he even realized sleep had consumed him.

Panic struck Yoongi as he walked into the living room. Jimin wasn't at his spot and it was dark, so he ran off somewhere.

"Jimin? Minie answer me sweetheart", Yoongi called out quietly.

The big lump on the sofa moved and exposed a sleepy Jimin rubbing his eyes as his other hand scratched behind his ear.

"D-Daddy I'm sleeping", Jimin murmured.

Yoongi's heart beat increased at the sound of Jimin's voice calling him.

"You scared me, come on let's get you to bed", Yoongi sighed.

Jimin stretched out his arms in front of him while doing grabby hands at Yoongi.
The older carried the cat hybrid, one arm secured under the blonde's butt while the other on his back as the sleepy man wrapped his legs around Yoongi's hips.

"Daddy, Minie sleep with you", Jimin spoke groggily into Yoongi's ear, feeling Yoongi walk under him.

"Fine, but don't take away Daddy's blankets ok?", Yoongi joked.

"Ok", Jimin responded before closing his eyes once again.

Yoongi opened the door to his room and walked in, quickly making his way to his king sized bed to lay Jimin down.

The smell of lavender engulfed Jimin's nose, causing a small moan of satisfaction and a smile. He nuzzled into the white silk pillows, small purrs were heard here and there.


That was all Yoongi could think, he was fascinated and endeared by Jimin.

He crawled onto his bed and layed beside Jimin, taking in all of the blonde's features.
The way the tips of his mouth curved into a small smile, how his eyebrows would furrow from time to time, the soft sound of his breathing, it was all beautiful.

"Daddy? Hobi wants Daddy", Hoseok's voice croaked as his head poked into the room.

Yoongi sat up and opened his arms, signaling the younger to come.

Hoseok didn't hesitate to run towards Yoongi and crawl onto his lap, his legs on either side of his waist.

"Baby why were you crying?", Yoongi cooed.

"Hobi had bad dream", Hoseok responded as tears prick at the corner of his eyes.

"Aw baby don't worry, Daddy's here ok? You can sleep with Minie and I, hm how does that sound?", Yoongi smiled softly as he ran a hand through Hoseok's red hair.

Hoseok nodded with a small pout as he dried his tears with his fists.

"Come on, let's go to sleep it's past your bedtime", Yoongi yawned.

Hoseok smiled before laying his head on Yoongi's shoulder.

'On top of me it is then', Yoongi thought before laying down correctly on his bed and wrapping his arms around Hoseok's back.


"A-Ah Seokie hyung get off", Jimin whined.

A big weight was on his stomach and it was no other than his friend Hoseok, whom peacefully laid on top of Jimin. Only Hoseok's legs were on top of Yoongi's thighs.

"S-seokie", Jimin whined once again emphasizing the man's nickname more.

Hoseok stirred in his sleep before opening an eye groggy.

"What Jiminie, I wanna sleep", Hoseok moaned sleepily.

"Get off me please", Jimin pouted.

Hoseok groaned annoyed before getting off the blonde and laying down on the spot between Jimin and Yoongi.

Jimin pouted before he sat up and crawled out of bed to get himself cleaned and ready for the day.

His heart clenched every time Hoseok would get between Yoongi and him, but who was he to say anything.

Hoseok was there first, they were probably a thing for all Jimin knew and he was just being a nuisance.

A sigh slipped between his lips before he started brushing his teeth.

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