Vignt Six

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Forgot to publish yesterday, sorry guys 😓


"He doesn't know what it is!", Hoseok panicked telling Yoongi the whole story while Jimin focused on the TV in the living room.

"But he was in little space, maybe big Jimin does know", Yoongi suggested as he ate reheated lamb skewers.

"Well we'll just have to wait", Hoseok sighed.

"Besides why did you ask all of a sudden? You're not the one to ask random things like that", Yoongi smirked.

"I might have accidentally groped his cute butt", Hoseok answered sheepishly, "I couldn't resist".

"Wow amazing you just wait until I'm out of sight so you can molest my poor Minie", Yoongi faked to be mad.

"B-But how come you get to do it? It's not fair", Hoseok snapped back.

"Because I'm his caregiver and he entrusted me with his little and big self", Yoongi explained, "I mean you are too but it will take time for him to adjust with you like he did to me".

Hoseok huffed, he wanted to be able to do many things with Jimin. Not just sexually but he just wanted to spend time with the kitten, but it will take time.

"Daddies?", Jimin chirped from the door of their bedroom.

"Yes baby what's wrong? You need anything?", Yoongi asked looking at Jimin with a soft gaze.

"The cartoon is over", Jimin announced as he trotted his way to the bed and climb on top to reach his boyfriends.

"So now what do you want to do my angel?", Hoseok asked smiling down at the blonde whom rested between the two.

"Sleep~", Jimin sang as he snuggled his face against the pillows.

"It's just 8 at night, that's a record angel", Hoseok teased.

"I know, Minie needs sleep for tomowow", Jimin hummed as he closed his eyes.

"Alright then sleep baby, good job", Yoongi cooed kissing the blonde's head.

Hoseok ran a hand through the blonde locks and rubbed behind his cat ears, earning purrs from the sleepy boy.


"Thank you for coming, we love you", Hoseok bid farewell waving at the crowd.

Cheers roared across the stadium, music to the boys' ears. The dancers and themselves bowed to the audience before walking backstage.

"Baby let's go change before we head out ok?", Hoseok suggested at the blonde.

The kitten nodded as they walked off hand in hand, Yoongi fawning over how cute his boyfriends are.

"Sir, we have to go", A security guard spoke.

"O-oh just a few minutes please, Hoseok and Jimin are changing", Yoongi requested.

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