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"Oh my goodness guys you won't believe what the agency is do-", Hoseok chimed as he walked into the bedroom but grew silent quickly.

Jimin sat on Yoongi's lap his head on the elder's chest as he slept soundly and Yoongi glared at Hoseok.

"Sorry", Hoseok giggled as he climbed onto the bed to lay next to Yoongi, kissing his lips in the process.

Yoongi smiled into the kiss before kissing back and stared at Hoseok lovingly.

"So what's the news Hobi", Yoongi whispered.

"We're going on a small field trip since we placed second in the semi-finals", Hoseok squealed excited.

"Ah that's great sweet cheeks", Yoongi praised as he placed a kiss on Hoseok's cheek.

"Thanks, and it will probably just be a week or two", Hoseok explained.

"That's awesome baby, do you want me to go with you like last time", Yoongi asked.

"No thanks you're having a tour in less than a month i want you to be ready", Hoseok pointed out.

"Remember you're also performing with me, so you should be ready as well Hoseok", Yoongi smirked.

"I know, I know", Hoseok sighed, "It's so stressful".

"Please we've done this for two years now", Yoongi joked.

"I know, but what about Jimin?", Hoseok asked looking down at the sleeping blonde whom layed on top of Yoongi.

"We'll take him with us, teach him the choreography and he'll be a backup dancer", Yoongi shrugged with a laid back smile.

"That sounds easy, let's give it a go", Hoseok agreed as he planted a kiss on Yoongi's lips and a kiss on top of Jimin's head.

"Did you eat?", Yoongi asked.

"Yeah, actually i brought food for you guys as well", Hoseok beamed.

"Alright let's ask Minie if he wants to eat", Yoongi smirked.

"Jimin-ah~", Hoseok sang, "Hobi brought food baby".

A small moan escaped Jimin's lips as he turned his head away from Hoseok and nuzzled into Yoongi's chest.

Hoseok giggled at how cute Jimin was but he had to have dinner.

"Baby wake up or I'll eat your food", Yoongi teased as he kissed the younger's head.

"mmm.. No", Jimin muttered as he shook his head slowly.

"It's McDonald's my handsome prince~", Hoseok sang a toothy smile taking over his features.

Jimin's tricolor ears perked up as he inhaled deeply while sitting up.

"There you go, come on Jiminie", Yoongi praised planting a kiss on his left cheek as Hoseok kissed the other.

Jimin smiled softly before getting off Yoongi and crawling out out of bed.

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