Vignt Sept

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It's near 😁


The smell of vanilla intoxicated the air, as a kitten in heat was with one of his partners getting punished.

"H-Hobi stop", Jimin moaned as he bounced on Hoseok's thigh.

Hoseok only watched pleased at how wrecked Jimin looked, untouched.

"But bad boys deserve a punishment right?", Hoseok asked, "Tell me, what rule did you break?".

Before the three started a relationship, they set rules for little space that applied to being a sub as well.
Jimin grew to learn that Yoongi took those rules seriously, he would punish Hoseok almost twice a month. That is, because Hoseok voluntarily did it to get fucked.

"A-ah~ H-Hobi ple-please", Jimin moaned as tears glistened his eyes.

Hoseok clicked his tongue and grabbed a fistful of Jimin's hair pulling softly, causing the other to gasp in surprise.

"I asked you a question Jiminie, i expect an answer", Hoseok whispered into the kitten's ear.

Soft purrs escaped the blonde as he tried to calm himself.

"I-I touched m-myself w-without permission?", Jimin answered almost questioning it.

Hoseok let go of the blonde locks and a sting traveled throughout Jimin's body as the elder's hand came in contact with his butt.
A small yelp escaped his lips as he rubbed his member against the red head's thigh.

"It would be a shame if Yoongi found out, but he has to know don't you think? Daddy would be upset", Hoseok cooed almost sadistic like.

"N-No please not Yoo-Yoongi", Jimin pleaded as Hoseok bounced his leg once again.

"Look at you, so messed up from just rubbing against my leg", Hoseok teased, "So dirty".

Jimin moaned as his blonde locks bounced against his forehead and sweat glistened his body.

Hoseok would be lying if he said Jimin didn't look beautiful in this state.

"Guess what my prince? I already told him", Hoseok giggled, "He's on his way back already".

Jimin whimpered as he got off Hoseok's thighs and ran off to their bedroom, locking the door behind him.

"Jimin baby what are you doing?", Hoseok smirked as he stood outside the room.

"I don't want spanks, they hurt", Jimin whimpered as he rubbed his already red left butt cheek.

"But that's what the rules say don't they? You don't want to be a bad boy, right?", Hoseok asked.

Jimin pouted, he was caught in a turmoil of consequences.
He either faced his punishment now, or stayed in the room forever and die or got an even bigger one once he stepped out.

Might as well choose number one.

Hoseok was surprised at Jimin on the other hand. For being in heat, he was controlled of himself. He realized he was in heat when he had Jimin on his thigh a few minutes ago, slick poured out between the younger's legs.

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