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"Daddy I wanted the blue unicorn!", Hoseok whined.

Currently at Build-a-Bear Hoseok slipped into little space and quietly complained.

Jimin felt his heart clench as Yoongi held Hoseok's hand and kissed his cheeks or the back of his hand.

'He's such a brat, how does Yoongi even do it', Jimin thought as he rolled his eyes.

He scanned around the bright, "calm" place and smiled grabbing an already made rabbit.

"Jiminie you want that one? You can make one yourself you know?", Yoongi asked.

The young man, startled, turned around to find Hoseok gone and nodded.

"I want this one, it's perfect", Jimin beamed.

"Great, at least you're not too picky like Hobi", Yoongi joked as he led the blonde to the cashier.

"Yoongi! I made it!", Hoseok screamed across the room before running towards both men.

He held a Stitch stuffie dressed in camo pants, black tank top and sneakers with a green jacket to finish the look.

"That's great Hoseok now let's pay", Yoongi smiled before they stood in front of the cashier whom patiently waited for them.


"Jung Hoseok get over here", Yoongi demanded before the red head could go any further down the hall.

"What?", Hoseok snapped as he gripped onto the box where 'Mickey' was in.

"Jiminie you can listen to music if you want, go to your room hm baby?", Yoongi asked politely compared to his previous demand.

Jimin nodded as he put on his earbuds and ran off to his room.

"Now, back to business, what's the rule about going out?", Yoongi asked with a much stonger and stricter tone.

Hoseok knew this phrase and what came after it. Tears rimmed his eyes knowing the sequence all too well.

"T-To be good and stay i-in big space", Hoseok whimpered.

"But what did you do?", Yoongi raised an eyebrow.

As much as it broke his heart to see Hoseok cry he had to be the best Daddy he promised to be.

"I was br-bratty", Hoseok pouted as he dried his eyes with a balled up fist.

"And what do bratty boys get?", Yoongi continued.

"They get s-spankies and time out", Hoseok cried hard looking at the floor.

"That's right, but since you know what you did wrong I'll take time out away, but you'll get three spankies instead of six ok?", Yoongi spoke softly this time.

Hoseok sobbed and nodded, agreeing to the deal.

"Alright lay on my lap and be a good boy ok?", Yoongi ordered nicely as he took a seat on the sofa.

Hoseok left his box on the single seat sofa before climbing onto Yoongi's lap, his stomach laying on the older man's lap and holding himself up with his elbows.

Yoongi bit his lip, mentally preparing himself to proceed.
He pulled down Hoseok's shorts along with his boxers reveling his bare bottom.

Yoongi sighed quietly before his hand made contact with Hoseok's butt.

Stinging engulfed his hand and Hoseok's bottom, cries becoming louder.

After two more he massaged Hoseok's red butt and rubbed circles on his back.

"I-I'm sorry D-Daddy", Hoseok whimpered.

"It's alright Hobi, I hope you understand this is for your own good ok?", Yoongi cooed.

"Y-Yes", Hoseok nodded.

After picking up his shorts, Yoongi sat Hoseok on his lap and kissed his cheeks drying his tears.

"Daddy, can I take a nap?", Hoseok groaned laying his head on Yoongi's shoulder.

"Go ahead, I'll wake you up when it's lunch time", Yoongi grinned.

"Yoongi, I'll be going out", Jimin spoke as he walked into the living room.

"Where are you going?", Yoongi asked quietly.

"I'm meeting up with a friend, I'll be back later", Jimin explained as he walked to the front door.

"Alright be careful Jiminie", Yoongi spoke concerned.

"I will", Jimin chuckled before walking out.

"Guess he's out of head space then", Yoongi smirked.


"I tell you he's so annoying, such a brat.. I don't understand how Yoongi does it", Jimin complained poking at his food.

Seokjin and Namjoon only chuckled at the young boy's complaints.

"You're just jealous that's all", Namjoon teased.

"Yeah because he get more attention than you", Seokjin added, "Maybe you should go into head space more, since you're always at home".

"But i want to get a job", Jimin pouted as his cat ears lowered against his head.

"Baby you can't do that, not yet at least", Seokjin cooed, "Remember what happened last time".

"Yeah, yeah i almost got trafficked to the United States", Jimin sighed annoyed.

Let's say hybrids were a very expensive 'luxury' or 'pet'.
There had been many cases of hybrid trafficking from South Korea to many other countries.
Jimin happened to be one of them but luckily as stupid as Seokjin sounded they had placed a tracking device onto Jimin's earring.

"See? Just stay at home", Namjoon spoke seriously this time.

"Why didn't you even come with us anyway?", Seokjin huffed obviously upset.

"B-Because Yoongi helped me and he's cool too", Jimin blushed.

"You like him", Namjoon smirked, "Don't worry he likes you too".

"You know each other?", Jimin asked tilting his head to the side.

"Yeah we work together at the studio", Namjoon grinned.

"Great! Now i can move with you guys", Jimin cheered.

"About that", Namjoon sighed.


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